Sunday, December 05, 2010

What Tax-Cuts!!!...

Listen up people....
Obama is NOT fighting to get a tax-cut for the middle class !!!...
Obama is claiming that he is working to get a tax-cut for the middle class when in effect there is NO tax-cut for the middle class just attempting to keep the tax-rate for the middle class from increasing from the expiration of the Bush era taxcuts!!!
Many of those who fell for the claim of "Change" and "Hope" and did not listen or thought past the talking points now believe that Obama will be providing them with a tax-cut and expect their taxes to go down. Just like the claims of overflowing "Obama-money" coming to them if they elect him, these same people WILL BE disappointed when there is in fact NO TAX REDUCTION.... Only a taxrate increase if Congress fails to extend the Bush era tax-cuts.....
And the BS about tax-cuts costing millions\billions if they are extended to the top people making over $250K per year? Just another example of Obama and his administration and Democrat Congress not understanding how the economy works and the history\effects of tax-cuts...
Look at the Kennedy (D) era tax-cuts... "A rising tide lifts ALL boats" and that these tax-cuts did...
Before the Reagan tax-cuts many claimed that reducing the top rate from 70% to 28% would result in the U.S. Treasury being left without enough revenue coming in. Fact is within 1-1\2 years after the tax-cuts the amount of revenue coming in DOUBLED !!!...
Obama and Congress have had numerous opportunities to extend, or better off make permanent, the Bush era tax-cuts but FAILED to do so. By allowing only the top marginal tax-rates to increase as Obama hopes will only damage the economy more and set us all back. Also allowing Capitol gains tax rate increasing will destroy the stock market and our 401k's..The United States already has the 2nd highest corporate taxrate so why manufacture here in the States?
Don't buy the BS that Obama and his branch of the Congress is selling!!!...

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