Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Jim Webb: You had your opportunity to listen to your constituents and ignored them... Now you come out?...

Virginia Senator Jim Webb was quick to come out with the following statement after Scott Brown took Massachusetts by storm....

"I believe it would only be fair and prudent that we suspend further votes on health care legislation until Senator-elect Brown is seated."
Both Virginia Senators Webb and Warner received many emails, phone calls, and trips to their district offices by many Virginia citizens telling them that they do not want the many liberal programs being railroaded through Congress by the Democratic Party and President Obama...
Senator Webb had the opportunity to vote against the Healthcare bill and chose to support and advance it...
Why should we listen to you now Senator Webb?...

Monday, January 18, 2010

How confident are they in their candidate?...

"According to Erich Heyssel, who was attempting to film a Coakley campaign event, “While filming at a Martha Coakley event I was approached by two men holding a 4×8 sign. They proceeded to hold the sign up in my line of sight, I tried to move, and was continuously blocked by these men and their sign.”

Heyssel continued, “The situation escalated as they forcibly held me in place by wrapping the sign around me.”

Dan Tripp, the project leader for Americans for Limited Government Foundation’s coverage of the Massachusetts special election, defended Heyssel, saying, “Martha Coakley needs to calm down her bullies.”

Tripp said “things could get ugly out there tomorrow as tensions rise in this close election. As we seek to identify, publicize and prevent election fraud tomorrow, I have instructed my crews to travel in teams. If Erich had been alone, this could have been worse.”

The above video on You-Tube reminded me of what we saw this year at the 2009 Buena Vista Labor Day Parade where numerous Creigh Deeds (D) supporters blatantly blocked the Republican Candidates for Virginia Governor signs with their Democratic Party candidates (Creigh Deeds) signs...
And get this! The Democrat candidate who lost two local elections back to back in the Shenandoah Valley who writes a column for the Rockbridge Weekly paper even gave the Creigh Deeds supporters a "Bee-Vee" award as seen here...
This tactic was not limited to the Buena Vista parade and just the Deeds supporters. It also happened and was condoned by the workers of the Democratic Headquarters in Waynesboro as evident in this post...

Yet another Seal save for the Rescue Dive Team...

The Rescue Dive Team up in New Jersey had another Seal save on the beach while performing Ice Rescue training with the local fire department...