Friday, December 10, 2010

Cancun Carbon Footprint....

Carbon Worrywarts Burn Carbon Posted December 10, 2010 12:00 AM EST
Daily NewsRecord Harrisonburg, VA

I found it both ironic and interesting to see that the DN-R published an Open Forum by one of the two residents who attended the climate conference in Cancun (“Reduce Your Carbon Footprint;” “Couple To Attend Climate Conference In Cancun,” Dec. 2;). The Stricklers will attend part of the two-week conference as nongovernmental observers for the Sierra Club.

In his Open Forum, Charles Strickler also expressed his concerns regarding the use and damaging effects of fossil fuels as well as the reasons for the dire status of our economy.

The carbon calculator I found online estimates the roundtrip flights for Mr. and Mrs. Strickler to Cancun from, say, Charlottesville produced 3,802 lbs. of global warming CO2 gas. And how much better would it have been to spend the money generated by this conference right here in the economy of the United States?

Here is an interesting comment and link in response to the above Letter to the Editor in today's Daily NewsRecord....

Well, the Stricklers did mention R & R, and drinking margaritas, so I hope they had a good time. That really is all that matters. There was an opening prayer to a Mayan goddess. Some say that the 15,000 attendees produced as much carbon as an African nation does in one year. But the price of a ton of carbon on the Chicago Climate Exchange is still zero.

What about the conference itself? Organisers the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) were unable to supply me with a carbon footprint when I asked. But the last conference in Copenhagen, that had just as many people travelling from all around the world, generated the same amount of carbon produced by an African country in one year, and we can hardly suppose it will much less with all the air-conditioning etc.
Just think about the carbon and energy savings if they held this conference by way of tele-conferencing? Everybody wants to sit home in their pajamas "working" on their computers instead of actually traveling into the workplace to save energy and reduce their carbon footprint. Imagine the savings of both if they quit transporting 15,000+ people to tropical islands for two week bash?
The local activist that were mentioned in the above Letter to the Editor traveled to Cancun as "nongovernmental observers" and supported by the Sierra Club... It is good to be active in causes and I am sure the DNR will have a lovely story about their activism\vaction in Cancun and there will sure to be numerous LTE & Open Forums written by the Stricklers. I wonder if they will mention the debate on the overall "footprint" made by this conference?...
The Sierra Club reported Income of $91,843,757 for the year of 2004 with a end of year net worth of $53,339,819...

Imagine how many of those funny looking CFL lightbulbs the Sierra Club could have purchased and the Stricklers could have handed out and the amount of energy saved\Carbon reduction instead of a trip to Cancun?.....



"Climate Change" (Global Warming) BIG Business....

Climate Depot

More than 1000 dissenting scientists (updates previous 700 scientist report) from around the globe have now challenged man-made global warming claims made by the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and former Vice President Al Gore. This new 2010 320-page Climate Depot Special Report—updated from 2007’s groundbreaking U.S. Senate Report of over 400 scientists who voiced skepticism about the so-called global warming “consensus”—features the skeptical voices of over 1000 international scientists, including many current and former UN IPCC scientists, who have now turned against the UN IPCC.

The chorus of skeptical scientific voices grew louder in 2010 as the Climategate scandal—which involved the upper echelon of UN IPCC scientists—detonated upon on the international climate movement. “I view Climategate as science fraud, pure and simple,” said noted Princeton Physicist Dr. Robert Austin shortly after the scandal broke. Climategate prompted UN IPCC scientists to turn on each other. UN IPCC scientist Eduardo Zorita publicly declared that his Climategate colleagues Michael Mann and Phil Jones “should be barred from the IPCC process...They are not credible anymore.” Zorita also noted how insular the IPCC science had become. “By writing these lines I will just probably achieve that a few of my future studies will, again, not see the light of publication,” Zorita wrote.

Other UN scientists were more blunt. South African UN scientist declared the UN IPCC a “worthless carcass” and noted IPCC chair Pachauri is in “disgrace”. He also explained that the “fraudulent science continues to be exposed.” Alexander, a former member of the UN Scientific and Technical Committee on Natural Disasters harshly critiqued the UN. “‘I was subjected to vilification tactics at the time. I persisted. Now, at long last, my persistence has been rewarded...There is no believable evidence to support [the IPCC] claims. I rest my case!” See: S. African UN Scientist Calls it! ‘Climate change - RIP: Cause of Death: No scientifically believable evidence...Deliberate manipulation to suit political objectives’ [Also see: New Report: UN Scientists Speak Out On Global Warming—As Skeptics!]

"Global Warming" did not work so now it's "Global Climate Change", or is it?...

Turns out it's getting hard to sell the "Global Warming" stick so it has been changed to "Global Climate Change" which is more broad based and will always be true as long as the weather does not go static and never change at all...

The temperature this morning in Cancun dropped to 51F, breaking the record low for the date of 64 set in 2000. It was also the coldest December morning in Cancun history (old record 52F). Gore must have been there at least in spirit. Recall last year, the IPCC Copenhagen meeting was hit with a blizzard and frigid temperatures. The IPCC moved the meeting to Cancun to avoid another embarrassment and feel the global warmth.

More than 1000 dissenting scientists (updates previous 700 scientist report) from around the globe have now challenged man-made global warming claims made by the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and former Vice President Al Gore. This new 2010 320-page Climate Depot Special Report—updated from 2007’s groundbreaking U.S. Senate Report of over 400 scientists who voiced skepticism about the so-called global warming “consensus”—features the skeptical voices of over 1000 international scientists, including many current and former UN IPCC scientists, who have now turned against the UN IPCC.

Tuesday, December 07, 2010

Virginia Tech Hokies vs. Liberty Flames....

Virginia Tech Hokies vs Liberty Flames at the LaHaye Ice Center in Lynchburg, VA.

Good game with alot of action from the second period on. Liberty had better passing game and if you look at the roster many of the players were from Ontario and the likes as compared to the Hokies where most players from this area and the east coast...

The LaHaye arena is somewhat smaller and was filled with student attendance. Good turnout for the Liberty team with a 11 to 6 win at the end...
The Liberty college team also won the penalty box occupation contest with many of the fine player\students spending the majority of the game penalty time there....


Sunday, December 05, 2010

What Tax-Cuts!!!...

Listen up people....
Obama is NOT fighting to get a tax-cut for the middle class !!!...
Obama is claiming that he is working to get a tax-cut for the middle class when in effect there is NO tax-cut for the middle class just attempting to keep the tax-rate for the middle class from increasing from the expiration of the Bush era taxcuts!!!
Many of those who fell for the claim of "Change" and "Hope" and did not listen or thought past the talking points now believe that Obama will be providing them with a tax-cut and expect their taxes to go down. Just like the claims of overflowing "Obama-money" coming to them if they elect him, these same people WILL BE disappointed when there is in fact NO TAX REDUCTION.... Only a taxrate increase if Congress fails to extend the Bush era tax-cuts.....
And the BS about tax-cuts costing millions\billions if they are extended to the top people making over $250K per year? Just another example of Obama and his administration and Democrat Congress not understanding how the economy works and the history\effects of tax-cuts...
Look at the Kennedy (D) era tax-cuts... "A rising tide lifts ALL boats" and that these tax-cuts did...
Before the Reagan tax-cuts many claimed that reducing the top rate from 70% to 28% would result in the U.S. Treasury being left without enough revenue coming in. Fact is within 1-1\2 years after the tax-cuts the amount of revenue coming in DOUBLED !!!...
Obama and Congress have had numerous opportunities to extend, or better off make permanent, the Bush era tax-cuts but FAILED to do so. By allowing only the top marginal tax-rates to increase as Obama hopes will only damage the economy more and set us all back. Also allowing Capitol gains tax rate increasing will destroy the stock market and our 401k's..The United States already has the 2nd highest corporate taxrate so why manufacture here in the States?
Don't buy the BS that Obama and his branch of the Congress is selling!!!...

Virginia Tech Ice Hockey vs. Kentucky Wildcats....

Virginia Tech Hokies played the Kentucky Wildcats in Roanoke last night at the Civic Center and lost 3 - 2 after a very active game. Games can be watched on the internet by using the Livestream site which may not have the best audio\visual technology, but like the Hockey team, is raw talent that is playing the game for the love of the game. No millionaires skating around just guys who want to play the game for what it is...
Hokies also maintain a website which is pretty good but not updated as often as it could be... They are also part of the ACHA hockey league which also includes several teams from this area including James Madison, Radford, Liberty College, and VMI...