Sunday, February 20, 2011

Democrats and history of "Skipping Town"?....

Turns out this is not the first time for the Democrats to “take their marbles and leave the game” when it looked like it was not going to go their way….. But this is not limited to just the Democrats, I witnessed our former chairman of the local GOP County Committee storm out of several committee meetings when he did not get his way yelling “No Quorum, No quorum” on his way out the door. Fortunately he was wrong and there was a quorum so business to move the local party and committee forward was accomplished....

Recently there have been several new stories that bring up the history of Democrats leaving town once the going got tough……

There have been at least four occasions of blocking a quorum in Wisconsin's legislature alone. The first known took place in 1893 when legislators were locked in the chamber for 72 hours after some left to avoid a vote on piping water to the World's Fair in Chicago.
And this past week in Wisconsin...
The 14 Democrats, who fled first to a convention center and water park in Rockford, Ill., before scattering when discovered by a reporter, have so far been able to prevent the quorum of 20 senators, or three-fifths of the members, needed for such a vote in the 33-person body.

And one representative in 1951, Rep. Ruth Doyle, had to be retrieved from the women's bathroom for a vote on a resolution for the legislature to hear Gen. Douglas MacArthur speak
Even in Texas....
On Monday, the Republican-led Texas state legislature was preparing to convene when it suddenly became apparent that virtually all the Democrats in the Texas House were nowhere to be found.

Republicans quickly ordered state troopers and the legendary Texas Rangers to round them up. But the Democrats were one step ahead of the law. They fled to neighboring Oklahoma and set up shop in a hotel.

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