Tuesday, February 22, 2011

DeWayne attacks Gov. Scott Walker from a different angle....

Columnist DeWayne Wickham is doing his "Democrat~Duty" by continuing the attack on Wisconsin Republican Governor Scott Walker this time in the form of claiming the Governor is attempting to "restrict the pillars of the Democratic base" from being able to vote...

"The proposed ID law would restrict the right to vote to people with military IDs, driver’s licenses and a state-issued ID card. Passports and photo ID cards issued to college students (even those from state universities) would not be acceptable."

"College students and public unions are pillars of the Democratic base. Wisconsin’s ID law would suppress voter participation among students. A 2005 University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Employment and Training Institute study found that 82% of 18-, 19-, 20-year-olds did not have a driver’s license in the ZIP codes for neighborhoods near Marquette University, the University of Wisconsin-Madison and the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. The study also showed that statewide, the majority of college-age blacks and Hispanics lacked driver’s licenses."

So how do these people function without a valid form of identification? College issue photo I.D.?How hard is that to get a bogus college I.D.?....
How do these people get utilities? Use a credit card? Rent a car? Rent a movie? Get into a bar? (college students) Get onto an airplane? Cash that government check? ...
Maybe instead DeWayne Wickham should be asked why he believes making it easier to commit Voter fraud is a "back-pocket" issue of the Democratic Party?.....


1 comment:

  1. In the post 911 hysteria, many Americans were led to believe that, in order to be secure, everyone needed to carry their government approved "papers" and be subjected to unrestricted surveillance.

    what was most disheartening to me, was to see those who were most eager to usher-in the era of "Big Brother" was the Republican Party.

    I had worked as a campaign volunteer for Republicans since 1964, largely because I believed the Republicans would always be the more libertarian oriented group.

    As it turned out, many of the Evangelicals who i had helped to get into office were the quickest to support the usurpation of our Constitution.

    There are millions of Americans who do not use ATMs, drive cars, or have any need for any form of identity papers. More importantly, America must step back from the post 911 hysteria and rein-in government power; back to within Constitutional limits.

    Registering to vote is sufficient, and merely attesting that you are who you are when you go to the polls, is all that Americans should ever be required to do, in order to cast a vote.
