Monday, March 21, 2011

So why is Obama outsourcing our jobs?... "Obamalogic"?...

So now we have President Obama striving to outsource our oil\natural gas exploration, drilling, and production jobs to Brazil while his administration continues to block such jobs right here in America by continuing the moritorium...

“It is beyond comprehension the administration would encourage trade for Brazilian oil while obstructing U.S. oil and natural gas development, eliminating related jobs here at home, and decreasing oil and natural gas revenues to the U.S. Treasury when the government is trillions of dollars in debt. The message from the White House to America’s oil and natural gas workers: we’re going to outsource your job.

“The administration is missing the obvious: what makes sense for Brazil also makes sense for the United States. Like every other nation, we should be developing our own oil and natural gas resources. It’s good for energy security, good for the economy, good for jobs, and it will help bring down our deficit.

“The administration says it supports more oil and natural gas development here in the United States, then at every turn discourages it. And today, the White House is making a deal with Brazil for the oil it is not allowing companies to produce here. There’s nothing wrong with buying Brazilian oil, but there’s a big problem when we’re forced to because we’re held back from producing our own.”

WASHINGTON, February __ – API President and CEO Jack Gerard said the administration’s offer to exchange batteries for oil from Brazil reflects its inadequate and illogical energy policy:

Just another example of "Obamalogic"?...


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