Sunday, April 24, 2011

Candidate to challenge Congressmen Goodlatte....

Andy Schmookler has thrown his hat into the ring and if the 6th District Democratic party agrees he will be running against Congressmen Bob Goodlatte to represent the 6th district of Virginia....
Do not know this guy but from what I have seen in the papers and Internet over the last few days it appears he is no friend to the Republican party:

BASYE -- "The Republican Party is a destructive force the likes of which America has never seen, according to a local man who has announced his candidacy for Congress."

He has already come out with some of the classic Dem-Talk-Points, which I guess they believe if you repeat the claim 3 times fast it makes it the truth and all will believe it, this is one they have been using often:

“What we need to close the budget isn’t cutting off programs like Head Start or heating help for the elderly that Republicans are going after. We need to get the economy out of the hole,” Schmookler said.

Schmookler has come out with statements attacking both sides of the political spectrum in the 6th and with the political demographics it will be interesting to see the direction his campaign will take over the year or so....

Both major parties – Republican and Democrat – are part and parcel to the problem. The GOP, to Schmookler, is a “destructive force,” while “Democrats have let us down because they have been wimps in terms of standing up and defending.”


With Schmookler being new to the process he will have to tailor his campaign to gain the most votes in the end. As with several recently announced Candidates in the local area, it will be interesting to discover and watch the campaigns "Progress" and change as issues, interviews, debates, and history of the candidates becomes available to the voters....


"Beware of the Spin"...


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