Thursday, April 28, 2011

What Trump did, was able to do, willing to do, and those who did nothing, not able to do, or not willing to do...

Obvious that is a ugly title with grammar and all but gets the point out there…

Trump was able to force the Birth certificate issue out there and keep it in the spotlight until President Obama finally had to bring out the hardcopy to limit the damage. Some out there are already questioning the document and look, even if it is found to have been “Made in China” and worthless, we are not going to throw the guy out of office where he has been for 2 ½ years already. The Supreme Court would ignore and delay that case like many of the cases already out there that they do not want to deal with…

The problem I have and have had all along is that our President refused to provide a simple, and required document, to the people that he represents as our leader when the question of authenticity came up…

Just like the guy with the funny hair said many weeks ago, if it’s not a big deal just show us the certificate… Many may feel that Trump is not true presidential candidate material and that may make him all the more valuable. Trump is able to attract the attention and coverage from the mainstream media outlets that others can not get. Competition is great for they have to cover him for fear of him doing something again and their news crew missing the story…

It is like the value of bloggers, the internet, and social networks were people can get facts and the truth out there after the “Campaign Spin” hit’s the local press with its limited facts and targeted agenda… Valuable indeed….

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