Sunday, August 28, 2011

Fracking and how it is done....


  1. well if you have a well - you know it has a casing.. just like the fracking drilling does...

    and you also know that well casings can and do crack and leak and when they do there can be contamination of your well....

    if the fracking casing cracks at the point where the water table is - how do they know and what do they do about it?

    the only way to know is to have a second monitoring pipe that goes to the water table ..right?

    do they do that?

    it seems like in so many of these kinds of cases - the premise is that " we take steps to prevent harm" but when you ask if they monitor the answer is not always yes.

    Is it conceivable for the casing in a frack drill path to crack and leak into a water table?

    Is it absolutely inconceivable ...impossible?

    I think not. so how do you make sure that it has not happened unless you monitor?

  2. True and if we need to monitor for that we should do it. In fact we should also develop a better or different sleeve to be used in the Aqua area of the drill pipe. I was sent this video link and found it interesting and explained how it is done as compared to all of the fear mongering I hear in the news and opinion page....
    More to come I am sure....

  3. re: fear mongering.... roger that...

    but when the industry itself seems to not anticipate the obvious issues...

    they kind of open themselves up to the same old same old undermining of their position - by fear mongerers


    I'd like to see the industry be up front about the potentials and to assure folks they are proactive in dealing with them rather than wait to be called out on them...

  4. I am sure the industry understands the risks and the harm if something like that truly happens. Corporations as well as people lok at risks for their actions and decide what to do from there. We all knew that a blowout like the one in the gulf could happen but yes they had a impressive track record for a long time until it actually happened. Life is full of riske and we need to minimalize as much as possible but the truth is we are using more and more energy each day and mst provide sources.
    Like the industry you want to see upfront I want to see a Government that is upfront as well. For many years oil companies (we) paid $millions$ into a fund to deal with a incident like Deepwater Horizon but when it did happen they went looking for the fire boom that they should have had all along? What if we had enough fire boom to contain the spill as soon as it happened?.....

  5. in both cases - the offshore and fracking.. they do not effectively monitor.

    We have cameras down at the leak AFTER it blew out....

    and instead of the industry, for instance, creating a set-aside fund for independent water table monitoring... which would add some level of trust - their attitude is "trust us" and "go away now".

    it don't work.

    if you want to frack drill - you have to monitor...

    you have to WANT to monitor.. and not be forced into digging your heels in ....

    do it up front.. gain the respect and trust of those who are most skeptical (and most likely to be harmed).....

    that's a LOT more effective than spending money on PR campaigns and videos IMHO.

  6. Anonymous1:41 PM


    1) There are multiple casings in use, not just a single one. We're not talking about Joe Schmo's water well over in the Valley here.

    2) Your personal well is also used for a far longer length of time, thus leading to potential casing failure. Shoddy construction techniques also lead to casing cracking.
