Tuesday, August 09, 2011

Is it a matter of the "Have" and "Have Not" ?....

With all the riots going on in the UK and class warfare talk coming from our President and the “Liberal Left” media and citizens in our own country,
Is it really a matter of the “Have” against the “Have not’s” ?….

In Israel 250,000 protestors were in the streets because of the rising cost of living. Spain, Greece, and Portugal have had massive demonstrations and costly riots after implementing Austerity programs to cut spending and trying to save their economies…

But yet when I look at the news footage of these riots I do not see what you would expect to see. I do not see people in dire straits breaking into food stores or the local warehouse to steal\take what they need for them and their families to survive. Like New Orleans after Katrina, I see well dressed Kids\adults kicking in storefront windows to steal flat-screen TV’s. We see them flipping cars over and burning them. We see them intentionally throwing objects at police officers and hoping to get an officer to respond with 1/100th of excessive force so that the gathered media can film it to crucify the police force. I see them burning down stores in their own neighborhoods which can’t help them once they work this anger temper tantrum out…

We did not see this in Japan after a massive earthquake & Tsunami wiped out thousands of people creating many people without homes or jobs. We also did not see the Hollywood promised “China Syndrome” when the numerous nuclear reactors melt down. (I knew I couldn’t trust Jane Fonda in that movie). We did not see the people of Japan on their roofs with arms outstretched looking for help from their government. We did not see looting, intentional firestorms, kicked in store fronts, riots, or self pity in the eyes of those effected….

Will this happen in the United States once our economic situation gets worse?
With the lack of leadership we have in the executive branch it’s almost certain and might even be desired(?)… We have had riots here in the past due to stressful incidents and reactions and we have even had numerous riots, lootings, and storefront burnings due to Championship sporting events were even the winners were the actors! …

“What Say You” ?….

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