Sunday, October 16, 2011

Sure, yeah, I am the (a) Republican Candidate"... Wink~wink... Widespread?...

It seems that word is getting out around the county that several of the “Independent” candidates in the Augusta County Supervisor race are claiming to be “the” or “a” republican candidate when going from door to door or when soliciting campaign sign locations…
Reports are that several of those doing this quickly change to “a” republican candidate once questioned or challenged by those they are soliciting support from. But in fact they are not the Republican candidate and are actually misrepresenting themselves to garner potential votes.
It appears former Augusta Republican Committee chairman Kurt Michael has used this “tactic” several times already and more examples are coming out. If true, it then means that Kurt Michael is using his past tenure as chairman of the local Republican party as a campaign “tool” to solicit support in the present campaign for Supervisor of Wayne district, when in fact he is not the Republican candidate in the race. This “tactic” may work with the potential voter who knows little or nothing of Kurt Michael’s past history, or knowledge of the infamous past GOP mass meeting that turned ugly once Kurt Michael was voted out as the Chairman of the Augusta Republican Committee by the majority of republican voters present.
There are several reports of candidates misrepresenting themselves as the “True” Republican candidate when soliciting campaign sign locations in the county. Several of these candidates have been told to take down their signs once the landowner finds out the truth about the false claims and you can be sure that does not sit well in the business community. If you see a campaign sign that just does not look right in front of a business you know, ask that landowner if they know the true status of that candidacy… Word of mouth and friends talking does wonders!...
But with Augusta County’s history of voting 70%+ for Republican candidates in the past, it’s obvious that several of these “Independent” candidates, possibly even a former Democrat member, would seek support of the Republican “label” if it might help them in this election.
It is important to talk to your neighbors, the people you work with, and the people you socialize with to ensure that they get the real info regarding claims being made by some candidates who are seeking their support\votes when in fact they are misrepresenting themselves… Word of mouth and the truth works wonders when it gets out there!...

There is now a letter to the editor in the Staunton Newsleader from the Chairman of the Augusta County Republican Committee advising readers of this obvious problem with candidates claiming to be the Republican candidate when they are not......


  1. Watching the Attack Watchers2:03 PM

    Hmmmm, wonder if this was something Karaffa came up with himself or did this come out of a Gang o Four bull session? Or did his campaign manager dream it up? Will the SWACster stay silent or will there be a denunciation of this deliberate misuse and dilution of the Party Brand?

  2. From what I am told Karaffa is once again under the influence of the "Gang leader" who has called several businesses trying to strong-arm them into supporting or allowing signs placed on their proprty. This does not go over well with the business community and word of mouth is active and strong within the community...

    Did not think of the "Swacster" side of the issue and maybe somebody should contact the Republican State Central member for this area and seek remedy for "Independent" candidates identifying themselves as the Republican candidate when they are not?!....

    God point...

  3. I have already had 2 signs stolen off of my property here at home and better not see the sign at my business missing! Already turned the cameras towards the sign and looking to tie the Junk-yard dog to the signpost!

  4. One of the businesses that had a incident of a sign placed by a "Independent" candidate who turned out Not to be the actual Republican candidate, has also have several actual Republican candidate(s) signs stolen.

    Sign stealing has always happened in the past but usually only during the big election cycles such as President or Senate races.

    I find these reports very interesting for it has been only the Republican candidate signs missing and in races where there are no Democrat challengers. Looking at who the candidates are this time around makes me question past claims of signs being stolen by so called "Republicans"?....

  5. Anonymous5:16 PM

    Shirley wrote a great letter to the editor. Your comment was the only one that was valid. The other comments were very childish. With luck word of mouth will ruin the chances for Michael. I feel so sorry for everyone should he be elected. Be cautious folks, be very cautious.

  6. It is unfortunate that it came to a point where Shirley had to write that LTE to let the voters know the tactics being used to deceieve the voters...

    This is just the begining if Kurt Michael is elected for even those who vote for him will learn a lesson just like those who voted for "Obama Change" now regret it...

  7. It is unfortunate that it came to a point where Shirley had to write that LTE to let the voters know the tactics being used to deceieve the voters...

    This is just the begining if Kurt Michael is elected for even those who vote for him will learn a lesson just like those who voted for "Obama Change" now regret it...

  8. Anonymous3:05 PM

    I've taken a look at a few local blogs and turned up this small tidbit. At "The Journey" blog run by Bob Kirchman, there is a reference to a Swacster post. The Journey post dated 6/18/11 and titled "A New Vision for Board of Supervisors" which goes on to detail the Gang o 4 and their plans for the BOS. This post contains a link to the Swacster yet when you click its a dead link. I suppose this is about the time that someone clued the Richmond GOP bigwigs into the issue of local party members actively working against the party candidates and they slapped the Swacster's hand and told her to knock it off?

    Speaking of the Journey, Mr Kirchman is the campaign manager for Mr. Karaffa, yet there has been very little about Karaffa or the races at all, even though the blog is active with posts about other subjects. The whole web silence has been odd to say the least from all these folks. Did they decide its not worth their time or is there some sort of late October Surprise to be released directly or through a proxy like The Journey, The Water Cooler, Phil, etc, etc.

  9. I found that interesting also and the link has been removed for a reason I am sure...

    It has been interesting to see the "Swacster" aka "SwacdGirl" aka Lynn Mitchell, being so quiet with so many of her "Allies" running for office and not as Republican candidates. As some have stated already, as a member of Virginia Republican State Central "Swacster" is not allowed to support publicly any candidate running against the Republican candidate\nominee.

    Simple search of the "SwacGirl" will find a strong past history of support with these candidates which is now silent...

    Watch in the future if by chance any of these "allies" are elected and how the spin will follow...

    Fortunately it appears somebody in Richmond is watching whats going on here... Will they do anything about it?
