Tuesday, November 08, 2011

Augusta County Election night 2011...

Supervisor-elect Michael Shull with his family at the Augusta County Republican headquarters after learning he won the Riverheads Supervisor seat...

Augusta County Commissioner of Revenue Jean Shrewsbury and Augusta County Treasurer Richard Homes...

Delegate Richard "Dickie" Bell (20th District House)...


  1. Anonymous10:49 PM

    Well, looks like Karaffa pulled it off against Shifflett. This is the ultimate fruition of the assessment debacle. A complicated issue was used to demagogue a good man for a shortterm political goal. His silly attack against Shifflett over meeting attendance was allowed to stand by the Newsleader, which in light of their eventual endorsement of Shifflett appears to be more journalistic ineptness then malpractice. We'll be watching Karaffa closely for any signs that he's being unduly influenced by other Gang members and hope for the best.

  2. Anonymous11:04 PM

    Sorry for Jeremy. I am just glad that Kurt did not pull it off. I am very happy for the Commissioner of the Revenue and the Sheriff. NO KURT yippie!

  3. Anonymous11:15 PM

    Agreed about Kurt- I had thought in the last week that all the attention on Shifflett and Karaffa would allow Kurt to sneak in. In fact- I believe it was a coordinated "gang plan" to have Karaffa publicly attack in his race while Kurt lurked in the background of his own, in the hopes that his most recent work on the fire issue would be enough to overcome his past.

  4. It is a shame that Jeremy lost after building strong credentials as a leader with a mind of his own. I agree the way the News Leader reported that non-attendance non-issue was unfortunate. I heard a radio ad for Karaffa this morning, all patriotic and all but pretty vague about issues. Now he'll be watched very closely. At least the voters were aware of Kurt Yanchenko Michael's past record of mischief.

  5. Anonymous12:52 AM

    I think Karaffa will find out very quick that it was easier for him to campaign then it will be for him to govern.

  6. Anonymous 12:52,

    You mean like the guy in the Whitehouse now?!...

  7. Watching the Attack Watchers7:34 AM

    On a hunch, I checked out the SWACster and yup, as soon as possible but not to soon, like at anytime during the campaign, the SWACster has come out with a post praising Karaffa and disparaging the work that local GOP officials did in working to get a Republican, who did nothing wrong reelected. Is this how the State GOP allows Central Members to operate? Is this anyway to promote party unity? Perhaps the SWACster was given a wink and nod and told to be hush-hush during the campaign and then to do whatever once the votes were counted? You know- I've heard folks say over the years, they would get involved with the GOP except for the fact that they knew the party would be able to expect their support in all cases,rightly so, and they wanted to retain their right to support even folks running against the GOP. Can we know point them to the SWACster's example and say it looks like this is no longer an issue?

  8. Not Alex Davis6:41 PM

    Mr. Clem,

    Is Alex Davis still the chair of Staunton's GOP? If so, is it interesting to you that he was actively supporting candidates running against 3 GOP candidates in the County? There are pictures of him glad-handing at the Gang's party last night in Verona on the Newsleader's page. I wonder how he would take the same thing happening to his candidates?

  9. "Watching": Thanks for the heads up and I took a trot over to the Swacster and it is interesting how fast that post appeared after the election.I guess once the election is over the 6th district State Central rules do not apply. Stete Central might be looking away a bit for they may "Need" her vote again like in the past...

    Also noticed the part where she says Bill Shirley kicked off 56 "Hard Working" members of the committee. If they were that "Hard Working" how come they missed so many meetings and remove from the rolls? Truth is they were there from when M&M ran the show so they could be counted on as a vote when needed and told...

  10. "Not Alex"...
    I understand there are several questions regarding Chairman Davis and his lack of holding committee meetings. Unless he is doing it in the shadows?

    Seems RPV has been calling and questioning what is going on in Staunton but getting no return calls...

    Just another part of the "Empire"?...

  11. Carl B8:19 AM

    Anybody see the photo of Karaffa in the Newsleader with him fist pumping? It's more than just a game young man.

  12. ConcernedBackbencher5:56 PM

    Now she's extolling the virtues of Kurt and David at Bearing Drift. Do people over there realize how damaging her actions have been to the Republican Party over the past 4 years? Does she even realize it? No one gave a damn when she supported Sayre. Sure it was tense but it was a primary. It was when she allowed those hard feelings to acquiesce to what Kurt did to the party afterwards. I think her hubris doesn't allow her to see how Kurt has used her. This farce and facade where she sits there passively aggressively supporting candidates running against the GOP has to stop if she's going to advance in the State GOP. Will they have the courage to do the right thing?

  13. "BackBencher"
    I believe many in Richmond got burned during the Mass meeting debacle when they only got their filtered info from SwacGirl as to what was going on in Augusta. It's the only way 6th district could select Kurt as the chairman even after the voters voted 140 to 90... Once many learned that they were fed a line of BS things changed.

    She still has some value for rumour\fact has it SS needed her vote in the past and may need it again in the future...

  14. Linda de Bevmanor9:13 AM

    David Karaffa is now our new supervisor for the next 4 years and already I hear up and down the street that people fear he will not represent us and just go along with Pyles. To those complaining now after not voting, you bought the next four years so live with it!

    The rest of us will take action to keep these guys from ruining the county! Join in and make a diff now!!!

  15. Ex volunteer6:29 AM

    The saddest part of the whole thing in my opinion, is that Augusta has now entered an era where chicago style politics apparently works -Demagogery, negative campaigning, etc.
    The damage the m&m team has wrought on the party is incalculable, and I'm not referring to Sayre, that was a primary, no harm no foul, thats what primaries are for. Should we expect Lynn to work for Ron Paul if he chose to run third party,(same thing) and would state central let that stand. And state probably wonders why they cant get good people to volunteer? Youve got a mole in the heirarchy, wake up-

  16. BosThinker9:30 AM


    It sems the newsleader will now require people to sign in and identify themselves like they do on Facebook if they want to leave a comment to a letter or article. Sems Pyles went crying to the NL staff that the Augusta County citizens were asking hard questions in the forums and he should be able to know who they are...

    Yeah, like we need to have that NutJob be able to identify those against him!

  17. Ex-Volunteer:

    Just like Obama and the use of Chicago type tactics I believe it will fail here also for the people know and see it for what it is. People are tired of it and as long as it is kept alive in the media the people will see that much of the mainstream media is just a tool of these people...
    Yes we do have it here and it's obvious when you see the NewsLeader let attacks on Shifflett for attendance but ignore the same by Pyles as pointed out by many. Bob Stuart over at NewsVirginian was in M&M's backpocket but seems to be getting out of that more and more...
    State Central might wake up to the mole you mentioned but I know they are aware of her actions already but tolerate it as long as she votes their way as she has in the past... (See Jeff Freerick Debacle)

  18. BosThinker:

    Thanks for the link and that is interesting that they are doing that. Interesting that they think this is why readership is down and would not be surprised if they start charging to view articles on-line like many papers have done. Foolish for why would I pay if I can find the same info on-line after learining of the issue...

    Making commentors identify themselves will decrease readership because they will lose readers who will not be able to point out inaccuracies and false\incomplete facts without fear of retaliation. Like businesses who reeieved phone calls telling them that they should allow other campain signs on their property or they will be remembered by thge "BOS" when they come needing something...

  19. ConcernedBackbencher9:29 PM

    I know one thing- if I were Chairman Shirley, I would be on the phone with someone in Richmond asking why a neighboring Unit Chair is actively working against my candidates in a general election and why the local Central Rep is doing much the same. Then take the problem head on at the next opportunity for a meeting with prepared remarks and then release an article pointing out this damaging behavior. Not through the Slantin-Misleader or NoseVirginny but through blogs like this and BearingDrift since that is where Mitchell likes to hobnob and present herself as a loyal GOPer to Richmond and NOVA while actively sabotaging the local Party at home. Force Central's hand if they are in a wink and nod mode at the present.

  20. I know thet Chairman Shirley has done a trooper job at trying to clean the mess up after the M&M mass meeting debacle. Swacsister has claimed\complained numerous times that Shirley kicked 56 members of "Hardworking" volunteers off of the committee. Truth is he purged the members who had missed more than 3 consecutive meetings as per the bylaws. All members welcome to attend again and join the committee if they wish. This is very much different from when Kurt hijacked the mass meeting and held a 2nd mass meeting after the first was closed. during the 2nd meeting he chose a whole another executive committee of his choosing and removed anybody from the rolls who did not attend his 2nd meeting that was not made properly. I went from chairman of South River to being removed with out notice...
    Shirley has contacted RPV and 6th district and they know what is going on many of the time, just a matter of them doing it properly..
    What is going on in Staunton with their committeee and chairman? Just another example for people to see....

  21. Anonymous6:11 PM

    But he did kick all of those people off the committee! This had never been done before and Bill Shirly did it to get rid of those people he could not work with. Since then the headquarters is never open like it was and the party cant do anything right!

  22. Anonymous 6:11,

    Those people were removed from the rolls due to the fact that they missed 3 meetings in a row. They have been called "Hardworking volunteers" so where were they?
    That bylaw has always been there just never used before because the old "Swac" team wanted to keep their select few onboard so to use their votes when needed. There are more people now and much more active membership now with more people involved.
    The headquarters was open more in the past but dominated by a few that would not control be lost or divided between many.
    Bill Shirley has been a saint and has put up with alot of distraction and interference from the old "Swac-crew" Many times the meetings were interupted numerous times with procedure tactics so nothing got done. In fact at one meeting I saw 6th district State Central Representative Lynn Mitchell interupt the meeting to ask the Chairman, Bill Shirley for the definition and to explain the 10th amendment?! Tactics and actions like this is why many people are cautious when it comes to the M&M crowd.....

  23. ConcernedBackbencher11:31 AM

    How many people are intimidated by Mitchell sitting back there like a grand poobah seemingly recording everything at meetings? As someone suggested elsewhere, it looks like the only intent is to post things that will paint the current leadership and grassroots in an unflattering light and that will let her ingratiate herself with her blogging buddies in their echo chamber and with Richmond. When I talk to folks about how power can corrupt and embitter folks at even the local level- this is the #1 example. Sadly as you indicate- folks in the State GOP have enabled it in exchange for the reliable vote as a means to hold on to the last of that power.....

  24. Concerned,
    Good points and it would be interesting if the other bloggers and those in Richmond got the whole story and not just the one that appears in the "SWAC-newsletter"... Keep the faith for I still get questions as to what is going on in the SWAC area from the few people I know in RPV. I believe several of them got burned by only hearing the one-side info coming from SWAC. Fortunately the elected delegates as well as others know\see what is going on and pass it on. Check back often in the future for things are in the works.....

  25. Anonymous8:49 PM

    I think swac girl is dangerous. How could she turn her back on the local republicans that were already in office? It appears to me that she was rubbing their noses in the fact that she was supporting the independents. She is really very much like a bully! I loved her comment that the COR opponent made her own signs as she was on a shoe string budget. Lynn and Kurt are dangerous, watch out those of you who still follow them.

  26. Concerned Backbencher10:27 PM

    One thing is for sure... BOS and Mass meetings will be VERY interesting. A lot of folks are waking up to the fact that certain folks have brought in a brand of politics that plays for personal keeps, many of them wish they had realized sooner. I've gotten questions from people I would have never thought would care about it at all. Will stay tuned for these future updates as they break......

  27. She did and the local electeds saw it for what it was . Fortunately these are the guys that many in Richmond do talk with so I believe many in Richmond do hear what is going on in the Valley... I have been told that the NewsLeader has changed their policy on anonymous people commenting in the forum sections and responses to letters\stories. It seems Swac has been blogging how it is unfair for people to comment without having to identify themselves. The comments were many when Karaffa came out attacking Shifflett for his attentance to meetings. Several people commenting on the NewsLeader brought up info and link to BOS minutes from meeting showing Pyles missing meetings also. I am sure that was not in the SWAC gameplan and why she is so against anonymous comenters.
    Rightside has allowed anonymous comments if they are productive and do not personal attacks. I believe the NewsLeader may regret this policy change....

  28. Anonymous7:41 PM

    Wacky girl is starting her cover up. She is explaing that it is Bill Shirley's fault everyone ran as an independent. The only word to describe her is "disingenuous". She is still going on and on about the assessment. Why can't she just give it up. The truth is that she wanted new friends to hold office. I saw a comment somewhere that Kurt almost won. How do you almost win? Well that was my entertainment for the day....

  29. Watching the AttackWatchers8:26 PM

    Wow- thanks for the headsup. A lot of courage that one, waiting until after the election when it won't cost anything. She had plenty of opportunity to lay a case out for why Shifflett should no longer be supervisor, guess her place in the party is more important then what she claims is a deeply held conviction.... Even though she claims everyone against her are actually the Party Lackies.

    Very delusional too... Facts are trolling? Its unfair to respond to an unfair attack? Should my feelings be hurt that the SWACster thinks Steve is responsible for my work? Maybe he should be proud. One thing is for sure. Steve had no prior knowledge of what I was looking into nor does he even know who I am. This was not coordinated in anyway with him. I provided a link and he was then free to research the RECORD and reach his own conclusion. The SWACster thinks this is some conspiracy against her. The fact that she fears referenced statements based on transcripts should be telling. No wonder her and Pyles get along (at least for right now). The SWACster is in for a rude awakening if she doesn't realize that many many people have reached the conclusion to oppose her politics and antics based on their own observations.

    I find it interesting that she concluded the Leader was led to do away with its comment system by the recent revelations that were uncovered. I doubt she would do that without a good reason... What role did she play?

  30. Anon 7:41,

    What does it say to the State Central that she now says (brags) that there was a large number of independents running and from different spectrums of the field? When I watch the GOP debates I see 7 different people up there running for the same job and they cover a broad spectrum of beliefs and ideas for the position. That is probly due to the political environment we now live in....

    Maybe State Central, 6th district GOP, the Congressman, State Senators, State Delegates, Senate candidates, Pat Mullins, Dave Rexrode, all members of State Central, and all Virginia Republicans, should all question why did State Cenrtal Reresentative for 6th district (SWACster) sit on the sidelines and do nothing for the Republican Candidates in the 2nd highest GOP voting counties in the Valley during this past election? And why such support for those running against the Republican Candidates?

  31. Anonymous9:10 PM

    Look how well everyone did without her help. The Comm of Rev, Treas, and sheriff all made it without her involvement. And Kurt almost won with her help. Augusta board meetings should be a hoot after the first of the year, with the New Independent party. My guess is she does not like Mr. Shirley at all. I guess she could not jerk is chain. Just sit back and wait, Karma will take care of everything.

  32. State Delegate Dickie Bell also won without the help. And the "Almost won" by a pretty wide margin if you consider all of the time & effort invested. I really believe it was the word of mouth as well as people talking to their neighbors and friends about the real facts and history that resulted in that wide margin.

    I remember being told that Bill Shirley was a football coach and knew how to get players to work together as a team. He also knows how to minimize those looking to interfere with the gameplan and execution...

    Looking forward to the BOS meetings and the follow-ups...

  33. "Attackwatcher"
    Good points and it is not "Unfair" to respond to unfair attacks like the one against Shiffletts attendance record without looking at all BOS members and especially Pyles missing the important meeting on method used for re-assesments... The SWAC-Tactic was not to mention the attendance record of Pyles and hope nobody noticed. Fortunately you did notice and the fact\truth did get out there for all to consider.

    With all of the number of comments left here and on the NewsLeader site it brought the issue(s) to light and consideration of the voters..

    Good Job....

  34. It appears the fireworks have started already at the BOS meetings. Did not attend but looks like Pyles is crying foul already with the funds going to Riverheads for Greenville. I question if Pyles made that much noise when all of that county $$$ went to Fishersville Yancey Fire dept for additional staffing so budddy Kurt would get lower insurance rates?....

  35. http://www2.newsvirginian.com/news/wnv-news/2011/nov/23/supervisors-agree-enlarge-urban-service-area-ar-1487987/

  36. Watching the AttackWatchers12:08 AM

    I took note of that as well. I fear that this will be par for the course this term. I hope I'm wrong about Karaffa but he's probably a lost cause owing to his alliance with Michael. I am hopeful that Supervisor Elect Pattie will have the maturity to realize the antics of the Gang and will soon enough separate himself to at least occasionally vote with the other 4.

    Did anyone notice today that the Motorcross Park finally came to an inglorious end today? I remember the SWACster cried mightily when that deal fell through at EXPO. Will she now have the integrity to revisit that issue and admit she was wrong, YET AGAIN. Imagine the mess that would have been left over at EXPO had this deal gone through. What I do fear moving forward is that these types of bad deals will occur frequently where Michael, Mitchell and Pyles realize they can try and drive a wedge b/t the voters and other officials and leaders in the County for power.

  37. I had hoped to have a break after the election to put this site together a little bit better but it seems the antics continue at the BOS meetings:


    I believe there may have been some type of alliance or "Opportunity" to obtain attention with the support effort made on behalf of the Expo Moto project. It would have been a welcome addition to the EXPO and could have brought more traffic to that area but would have needed a much larger operation and backing to make it work. Obvious that it would not make money for years until it caught on and got on the moto circuit and the guys doing it now just did not have the depth or backing to pull it off. The noise factor was never really a valid complaint but did work for those against it...
    I will also look for a SWAC-article to admit the failure but don't hold your breath....
