Friday, November 09, 2012

Enough said......


  1. Of course, the greatest generation paid a top marginal tax rate above 90% and supported massive government control of the economy both during and after wartime as well as tremendous growth of government investment in infrastructure.

    All that sounds more like liberalism and Obama to me. What sacrifices have GOP candidates asked from the public?

  2. You are making a very lame assumption, yourself, about people who "ask for stuff." Do you know anyone on Medicare? Perhaps your parents? How about Social Security recipients? Anyone on Medicaid? My cousin, who worships at the altar or Romney, has a disabled son, who is on Medicaid, but she's too obtuse to realise that, had her honies got elected, she may have lost that horrible socialistic medicine thing for his benefit.

    Maybe you're lucky and never had to "ask for things." If so, beware. Karma has a nasty way of coming back to bite your ass.

  3. Evan,
    Who paid the 90% ?......
    It was the top bracket and the so called evil rich guys which Obama and crew wish to soak once again and was able to pull off a impressive Class warfare this past election. How about ALL taxpayers pay 90% of their earnings to the government? How hard will you work if you know 90% will go to the Obama government for him to spend as he sees fit?....
