Monday, May 20, 2013

"EXTREME" looks to be the chosen "Attack word" of the Virginia Democrats (again)....

"Extreme" was the word I saw and heard repeated several times by the local Shenandoah Valley Democrat protesters outside of the Weyers cave airport while the newly nominated Republican Party candidates were talking inside the terminal. Wisely this bunch were not allowed into the terminal during the event for sure this select group with known ring leader "Elizabeth" ,would have made a spectacle and shown their "arse" as they have in the past at events like this. Instead they set up in the parking lot, congregated in a henpack, and strutted with their protest signs pointed towards Virginia citizens entering the event.  Nothing new at all and in fact the scenario and dialogue is familiar and tired but I did notice each sign, hand-made & same handwriting on all, highlighted the word "Extreme" in description of "Cuucinelli, Jackson, and Obenshein"...

One word simple, "talking point", "mantra" "attack point", descriptive are nothing new for this bunch and in the past it has always been fun to question these guys on their "Chosen" word or phrase only to get a blank stare or rambling after they realize that there is little or no content to their attack tactic. I believe they focused on this word back during the last governors race when they protested, ranted, raved, spewed, bellowed, during Cuccinellie's run for Attorney General and have regurgitated it once again in fear of a True Conservatives trouncing the Democrat challengers once again...

The "Progressives" were allowed to set up their all alike signage, written in same handwriting, in the front parking area. There they confronted exiting citizens which resulted in one of the "Progressives" espousing verbally her "First amendment Right" of free speech which in fact nobody was denying her of but in her mind I believe she feared nobody was paying attention to her and her pre-made sign that she was holding and probably never read herself. I have seen several members of this "Progressive" group in the past at political and social events and have learned that many of them are angry, hateful, and just not nice people towards those who do not support or believe in their "Progressive" efforts. I have seen them dampen and discourage festive moods at County fairs, holiday parades, and other social events with their display of slogans, actions, and signage...

"EXTREME" is a interesting choice of "Attack" descriptive for the only thing "Extreme" of this ticket is how far they are from the current Obama administration and his attempts to "Move-Forward" this country towards their ideas of Liberal Utopia. In fact I found it interesting and thoughtful during Lt. Governor candidate Jackson's speech where he described how he has been told he will be made out as a "Extreme" right-wing Republican and attacked for it at every opportunity by progressives like this group in the parking lot. Jackson said that if his beliefs in conservatism, limited government, and a non intrusive government makes him "extreme", he welcomes the association with people such as Washington, Jefferson, Madison, and Reagan...

"EXTREME" as a talking point or attack-word?  I was not sure until I arrived to work afterwards and described the Fly-In event I just witnessed at the airport to my Liberal-Progressive-Democrat friend and political nemesis who as soon as I started to describe the event the first word out of his mouth was "EXTREME"...

I guess we now what to expect out of these guys for the next six plus months......



  1. Anonymous7:15 PM

    WOW !
    Here they go again

  2. Anonymous10:02 PM

    And the Valley republicans never protested like this ?!

  3. Anon 10:02

    The things I remember of the Valley Republicans doing were things like showing support to our troops by showing up with American Flags at anti-war protests. Many of the anti-war signs were hateful towards then President Bush while not supporting the efforts of the military and the personnel. GOP booths at county fairs were of positive message and did not attack the opposition in the hatful manner seen coming from the "Left". Floats in the parades where also of "Positive" messages as compared to "Progressive" messages that usually cast blame or calls for "Social Justice"...

  4. Being Extreme in the Cause of Liberty is no Vice!
    Being Tolerant of Crimes against a Moral Culture is no Virtue!
    ... with a hat tip to Senator Goldwater...

  5. Statemanship,

    YES! in the Cause of Liberty but the attacks and claims from this group mainly focus on those "Low information Voters" who fall for the mantra without the facts or willingness to explore the issues or candidates. We have a President who has done very well by using these tactics....

  6. Anonymous8:42 AM

    "Low information Voters"
    Talking points from Rush Limbaugh!
    This is all you guys have to say after President Obama cleaned your clocks in both elections!

  7. Anon 8:08

    This is the most accurate description of the voters who elected & re-elected President Obama out there. I have and continue to debate with people who only know what MSNBC, NPR, and THE JON STEWART (Comedy Channel) tells them and this are their NEWS sources! It was evident at work in January when there was a line of people outside the HR office at work of people complaining why 2% of their paychecks were missing. This was the payroll tax that Obama & friends raised and all these people complained for they say they were told only the "Rich" peoples taxes were going up!...

  8. Anonymous11:43 AM

    Any one of the three you listed above is better than Faux-News!
