Friday, September 06, 2013

Democrats at the BV Labor Day Parade... "Nothing but Negative"........

This years Buena Vista Labor Day parade was interesting for it was the first parade in many years that I did not arrive in the "Dark of morning" to set up signs or put together a campaign\issue float. It was nice to arrive half hour before start, park towards the end, and walk back towards the parade starting point. Needless to say you see and hear many interesting things along a parade route before a parade when people are claiming their "Spots"...

Parade seemed smaller this year along with less attendance along the route. It was also strange that the political floats and campaigners were towards the front of the parade.

As I walked the pre-parade route, there was this annoying little sound in the area. You know like the sound of the tiny mosquito in your ear when you are trying to have a good time at a picnic or maybe even a parade. Turns out it was a small airplane towing a anti-Republican party banner. Not very effective for the plane had to maintain attitude over a population center like BV and the banner was small and many people along the parade route strained to read the message...

It turns out this was just the beginning of the "Negative-Attack-mantra" brought to this annual event by the Democrat party and it's candidates, campaign staffs, and the usual "Mindless-Boob-Progressive-College-Kids" following along looking for "Change" when they never understood what they want "Change" from in the first place.... 

Several times I came along Democratic candidate Terry McAuliffe running along the parade route from side to side shaking hands and introducing himself. It is common during the BV parade for candidates to walk the route and shake as many hands as possible but McAuliffe was by himself. He may have had a staffer at times with him or a annoying Progressive swinging a campaign sign at other times, but he had no real support staff. The "Progresso-mob" of college kids just walked down the middle of the street laughing, talking amongst themselves, and managing a "Terry-Terry-Terry" every so often...

In contrast the Republican candidates had their staffs and volunteers working the crowds and up front with the parade watchers of the day. Staffers with follow up info, flyers, and direct personal contact with potential voters in contrast to the ever present "Negative" message coming from the "Dem-Crew"...

Another obvious thing was that the Republican candidates were genuinely enjoying themselves and the contact with the crowd. Many times during the parade they had to catch-up with the parade for they were stopped for photos & questions by parade watchers.

The GOP team had the obvious message advantage in personal contact with the crowd and this was seen all along the parade route again in contrast with the Democratic party machine. I recall one time when I was standing along the parade route near numerous elderly GOP supporters and candidate McAuliffe came by to shake several hands. The crowd was cordial but not Dem-supportive and as McAuliffe returned to the center of the street and his above mentioned college supporters he said something sarcastic and got his crowd to laugh aloud. Not a classy move from a guy claiming to want to represent all of the citizens of Virginia if elected...

Without a doubt the GOP team was having the better time and advantage with the parade watchers. Lt. Governor candidate E.W. Jackson was up and down both sides of the streets introducing and supporting his message...

Smaller than in the past but yet another good parade...
And then there was the Speech & Message part of the day...
The BV parade always ends at the park & pavilion where the candidates take the stage to present their message to the potential voters. Here once again the message coming from the Democratic party candidates was very much negative and attacking the Republican candidates & GOP...
I did find it interesting when Democratic candidate McAuliffe got up there and said he would look out for the teachers and improve the education system. He was quick to point out (Red-meat) that Virginia teachers ranked 50th in the States for their pay level and if elected he would change that. It was even more interesting when the Libertarian candidate later said Yes the Virginia teacher might be 50th on the pay scale but Virginia pays a impressive amount per pupil and much of the money goes towards education administration costs and not the teachers...  No "Terry-Terry-Terry" coming from the crowd at this time....

Here is the speech & message from E.W. Jackson who is running for Lt. Governor of Virginia....  

Strong message and puts into words what many citizens are looking for in our government and from our "Leaders".....


  1. Today I see Terry with Professor Mike Mann who was famous for the bogus Hockey Stick graph that was doctored to exaggerate false global warming on NBC29 out of Charlottesville... Unfortunately NBC29 failed to as Terry how much pollution does his China factory contribute to his claim of Global Warming...

  2. LookThere7:44 PM

    So McAuliffe is looking for a job now?

    What, he spent all of the $18 million he made off a stock tip he got while playing Golf with Clinton & buddy's?....

  3. Local GOP op7:41 AM

    was the SWACster there to cheer on the team? Or has that ship sailed like it sailed locally when personal buddies are no longer the power brokers?
