Wednesday, November 13, 2013

"Bubba" & the Incumbency tactic....

Had the opportunity to travel down to Rockbridge County to help a friend on election day with his quest to bring representation to common sense citizens of Kerrs Creek district...
Chris had been working the local neighborhoods for months walking from door to door talking with homeowners. This is something the incumbent was not worried about and obviously counting on his incumbency and lack of interest in local politics by many citizens. But it was encouraging to hear from Chris how many of these same people responded positively to his neighborhood visits and discussion of local issue. Once again it shows that once issues are presented with solid facts and discussion people are truly interested in their environment...
While working with Chris at several polling places we spoke to almost every person arriving to cast their vote and the vast majority discussed the issues and appreciated Chris bringing these issues up. This compared to the incumbent "Rusty" who basically stood there with his hands in his pockets, did not present any campaign handouts, and really only spoke to those he knew by face. Obviously Rusty was relying on his name recognition and "Bubba" status to win him re-election...
This was obvious when after Chris spent some time talking with a voter who stated that he had just paid a substantial tax bill on his dump truck used in his occupation and the effect on his business. The amount was substantial and the voter expressed how this substantial tax made it harder for the operation to run in the "black" and kept the voter from expanding his business. The voter then moved on to Rusty who basically told him that's the way things are and to get over it...
Chris came very close to bringing true Conservative representation to his district on his first attempt and would have been a important & beneficial addition to the local Rockbridge government . Rockbridge is and has been headed down the debt road with overspending and unwise choices like the closing of the Effinger school. One can only hope that with time and the exposure to the issues that Chris provided take hold and the citizens of Kerr's Creek district keep the pressure and issues on "Bubba" to let him know that they are watching & expecting better actions in the future...
Good job Chris.... 

1 comment:

  1. Pallen12:11 AM

    maybe if he had been willing to massage the truth like Karaffa did in his race against Shiflett in Augusta...... of course Shiflett took that race for granted so he didnt help himself
