Wednesday, February 26, 2014

200,000+ Gun-nuts, 7 days, $70 million to economy, and no shootings, mass killings, riots, ?......

Last month I made the pilgrimage like many up to Harrisburg PA for the Great American Outdoor Show and was impressed by the size of this show with 650,000 sq\ft of floor space….

It took me three hours of driving up 81 to find traffic actually backed up onto route 81 and still 2 miles from the Farm Show complex. After sitting in traffic for 1-1/2 hours I came up to several FULL parking lots and instructions to go to the Harrisburg mall to be bussed over to the show. Another hour delay…

Once inside we found lines everywhere in the numerous show buildings, food lines, bathrooms, and most every booth of the 1,000+ vendors that were there. Interesting thing was with all of these people from all over the United States, even some of them obnoxious Northerners, it was a day of bumping into each other and waiting on everything...

During the 4 hours that I was at that show I must have bumped into 20-30 strangers where everybody said “excuse me” or even stood aside allowing other people to go buy. Stood in a food line for 15 minutes waiting to get a $7 crab cake that confirmed I was still hungry and looking for more and finding another long line. There were crowds at every function and at most every booth and display and it was easy to get separated from friends and fellow “Gun-nuts”. In fact if you wanted to go to another exhibition hall you basically had to merge into the river flow of people and catch the current to the location you were looking for...

Now take into consideration that the majority of the 200,000+ attendees to a show like this that focuses on guns, hunting, Safari hunting packages, shooting sports, fishing, archery, etc. are considered “Gun-Nuts” to many of our Liberal friends and the mainstream media. In fact Ted Nugent was there meeting and talking with hundreds of people there…

Now with Pennsylvania being a State that allows concealed carry of guns by permit holders, along with honoring surrounding States permits such as my State Virginia permit, there were plenty of armed people during that week. With that not one reported mass shooting, single shooting, riot, fight, carnage, rape, disturbance, or even flipping over of cars in the parking lot like after many NBA Championship games...

Surely, and please don't call me Shirley, with such a concentration of these gun-nuts and pro 2nd amendment radicals there must have been something to repeat over & over on the Liberal mainstream media outlets? I Could not find a single report of any incident.   Did I miss something?.....


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