Sunday, February 23, 2014

NO to Keystone XL pipeline !!! But wait, look who profits....

So many of my Liberal friends at work are quick to defend the efforts to prevent the Keystone pipeline made by their favorite Democrats in the House and Senate, but yet they stutter when they learn who will benefit if this project is defeated...

Politics: While they exaggerate the pipeline's environmental dangers, Democrats who oppose the Keystone XL have invested in direct competitors to the company that would build the pipeline

As Lachlan Markay notes in the Washington Free Beacon, both freshman Democratic Sen. Tim Kaine of Virginia and Democratic Rep. Alan Lowenthal of California, both vocal opponents of Keystone XL, have significant investments in companies with competing ways of bringing the crude from the oil sands of Alberta to market.

Here Senator Kaine appeases his base with the below statement but in fact he has already hedged his bet, and vote, with investments that will benefit him if the Keystone pipeline project is denied....

"Building this pipeline would dramatically ramp up capacity for tar sands oil that moves us in the opposite direction of an innovative, make-it-cleaner approach," Kaine said in a statement following the issuance of a State Department report that said not building Keystone XL would have no environmental benefit since Canada was not about to leave its crude in the ground, but would extract it anyway and send it westward through competing pipelines to energy-hungry markets such as China.

Public records from Kaine's most recent financial disclosure examined by the Free Beacon show that he has between $15,000 and $50,000 invested in Kinder Morgan Energy Partners, which owns the Trans Mountain Pipeline in Canada and takes oil sands from Alberta to Canada's west coast, where there are refineries and export terminals.

Surprise for it is not just our Virginia Senator standing to benefit from the Democrats defeating this pipeline... Yet another Obama supporter looking to make BIG money off of the Democrats efforts....

Kinder Morgan is the same company and pipeline that billionaire hedge fund manager and Obama bundler Tom Steyer was invested in as he also railed against the environmental harm of Keystone. Steyer denied any financial interest in opposing Keystone, but opted after the disclosure to dump his holdings, moving on to the green pastures of global warming and climate change that made Al Gore wealthy.

But wait my bleeding heart Liberal enviro-maniac friends. It's not just your Senator that you thought so much of... Your "Sugar-daddy" also !!....

Their financial interests in not building Keystone pale in comparison to Warren Buffett, President Obama's favorite 1-percenter, who made a good investment when he bought the BNSF railroad in 2010 for $26.5 billion.

Read More At Investor's Business Daily:

While we are at it let's look at your Liberal claims that the GOP is full of "Evil Rich-guys" who do not care for the common man...

Remember the constant drumbeat from your Liberal mainstream media during the last Presidential election where the attacks on Mitt Romney were trumpeted at every mainstream Liberal outlet including the Comedy Channel ?!!!...

It turns out another Virginia Senator has a higher net worth then Romney. Senator Mark Warner (D) has a higher net worth at $260 million over Romney's $250 million. Remember that next time Warner tells you he is fighting for you, the "common man" that made him a Senator... 

Mark Warner Net Worth

Mark Warner net worth: Mark Warner is an American politician and businessman, who has a net worth of $260 million dollars. Mark Warner is a former Governor from Virginia and the current junior senator from Virginia and serves on the board of the National Democratic Institute for Foreign Affairs. He invested in a number of technology companies when they were first starting out, including Nextel.
Remember this next time you pay your $150+ Smartphone bill for won't hear about this on the Jon Stewart Comedy Channel show.... 
Mark Warner

Mitt Romney Net Worth

Mitt Romney net worth: Mitt Romney is an American businessman and politician who has a net worth of $250 million. Mitt Romney is the former Governor of Massachusetts, a former Mormon missionary and and the Republican Presidential nominee in the 2012 campaign. Mitt Romney's net worth makes him one of the richest politicians in the United States and by far the richest 2012 Presidential candidate....
Mitt Romney

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