Wednesday, March 12, 2014

And now we have a Democrat thinking "the U.S. Constitution to be 400 years old"....


Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D., Texas) declared the U.S. Constitution to be 400 years old Wednesday on the House floor, which would mean it was signed in 1614.

That would be seven years after Jamestown, Virginia became America’s first permanent English settlement.
Lee is off by only 173 years. It was adopted on Sep. 17, 1787.
Source: The Beacon


  1. "Lee served on the House Science Committee and on the Subcommittee that oversees space policy. During a 2005 visit to the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in California, Lee asked a guide whether the Mars Pathfinder had taken a photograph of the flag planted on Mars by Neil Armstrong in 1969. (Armstrong's 1969 mission, of course, was to the Moon, not Mars"

  2. Proof that ANYONE can serve in Congress....only thing required are voters more idiotic than the representative.

    More proof: look who is President.

  3. Unfortunately many of these people make it into office after they attack and destroy their competition in the media with negative campaigning and personal attacks. We even see this in local politics when local party chairman used these tactics in the past in attempt to save his treasured position as "Chairman"... Fortunately people will listen in the end but only after they are finally exposed for what they really are... "We hope"....
