Saturday, March 22, 2014

Governor Terry McAuliffe... Do we have a "Leader" or a "Campaigner"?...

All week I have heard several times on the radio a PAC commercial telling me that Virginia is missing $5 million a day that would come from "Washington" because we have not signed onto the "Medicaid Expansion" program. The heart wrenching audio, with usual piano solo in the background, tells us how if we don't sign onto this program some other State will take advantage of this money from "Washington". The same "Washington that is $17 TRILLION in debt already with no plan to cut spending or improve the economy but that's an old story they don't want you thinking about anyway...

As usual the PAC commercial does not bring up the question or provide a solution to what happens to the Virginia taxpayer once the "Washington" money runs out in a couple years. They also fail to talk about the abuse and fraud in the Medicaid program already which needs to be fixed, as favored by the GOP House, before we dump more taxmoney into this program....

At the same time where is our Governor?  Terry-Mac, instead of being a "Leader" in Richmond has been traveling the State playing campaign mode just like Obama has been doing for the past five years. 

And why won't Terry-Mac separate the "Medicaid Expansion" from the Virginia State budget and allow the House to pass a working budget so Virginia workers and services continue without interruption? Because Terry-Mac knows that is his bargaining tool and if he gives that up he would have to debate the "Medicaid Expanion" on it's own merits and that would be a losing issue for him and government expansion....

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