Sunday, March 02, 2014

Terry-Mac and the Obama tactic....

Last night I caught the 11pm local Newscast crooning all over Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe who was at the Augusta Medical in Fishersville pushing his efforts to ram through a Virginia version of "ObamaCare" Medicaid plan...

Like Obama, Terry-Mac is traveling the State instead of staying in Richmond and working with all of the other "Electeds" that the citizens of Virginia sent them there to do the "People's work"...

Local newspapers did their duty covering the Gov as he made his rounds at the medical center and held a meeting with administrators and of like minded people. Terry-Mac did his grandstanding and I am sure it was a good show for those looking to get the "Free Money" from the Federal government in Wash DC, but is it really ever "Free"...

But I should not be to hard on our local media for they did also cover the three local Delegates from the Valley that held a public meeting just down the road in response to the Governor. These Delegates brought up the very good point of how will the expanded Medicaid program be paid for by Virginians once that "Free money" starts to go away? The House has brought forth plans to audit and fix the broken Medicaid system that wastes millions each year to fraud and theft as shown here but the Governor instead wants to push through Obama's plan as soon as possible. 

McAuliffe said he is open to compromise and wants to sit down with legislators and figure out a solution. Admitting the possibility that the proposal could get more expensive, he said, “Why would we not want our sickest Virginian’s to get in [to the Medicaid program] and be paid for 100 percent by the federal government?
Quote provided by the NewsVirginian

Here Terry-Mac mirrors his friend Obama by stating the obvious and indisputable fact that nobody wants to provide help to our sickest Virginian’s while appealing to those who love the idea of "Free" stuff from Washington. But at the same time he ignores the question of how "Virginian's" will pay for this program in the future.....



  1. Anonymous1:52 PM

    Governor McAulife is just trying to get the money that we deserve. It is our money and the republicans are nothing but the party of NO!

  2. Republicans would like to keep your money with you, not have to follow Washington rules to get it back.

  3. Anon 1:52,
    Check the lonk in the post that will take you to a post with info on the massive fraud in the Medicaid system and the arrests made. The systems needs to be audited, fixed, and improved like the VA-House is calling for. Nobody wants to deny help to those who really need it but Terry-Mac (& Obama) are ignoring the crooks and harming the honest guy..... Like Mike's idea, let us keep more of our money !!!
