Saturday, January 10, 2015

"We" are John Galt.....

This past Tuesday night I had the opportunity to listen in to a small scale radio talkshow coming out of New Jersey where one of the three members making up “On-Fire Radio Network” and I have a mutual friend. This is the third time I have listened in and this two hour show (8:30-10:30) felt like maybe 45 minutes for the topic and discussion was right on with what is going on with our country right now.

   On Fire Show:

Topic was “Who is John Galt” and the Atlas Shrugged book & movie. Discussion went several different directions for each of the host members, and numerous chat room participants, each described how the govt control has and continues to control all of our lives. It was interesting for some had never read the book, one read it many years ago, some had and had not seen the movie, but everybody had an example of how the “John Galt” theory effects us all.

I myself was one of those commenting in the Chat room and when not directly discussing with those on the radio show via chat comments, had an ongoing discussion in the chat room. 

Personally I have seen the “Atlas Shrugged” theory applied many times over the years and even regionally in Virginia vs. New Jersey vs. Key West. I have a friend in New Jersey who took a large part of his retirement fund to start his own Turf business only to battle a State government looking to restrict and regulate him at every turn while he tries to build a business, employ people, and build a service to his customers. In fact the NJ government was nice enough to even audit his tax return after only one year of operation. Then there is the friend who is a charter Sportfishing boat owner\Captain in the Florida Keys who has to deal with regulatory and restrictive environmental policies that are not always based on realistic data but instead “feel good” environmental agendas…

Both of these friends are risking their capital to create business and services to improve their lots in life and to benefit their families. Instead of being encouraged  and supported by their government they are questioned and regulated, and if they are a success they can count on a “progressive” tax structure that will take an ever increasing share of their profits…

As in the Atlas Shrugged book and movie, the overall objective is for the government to step in and make it “fair for all” involved which would indeed be nice if everybody contributed the same. The fact is not everybody contributes the same weather it’s because of their ability or their ambition to risk and succeed. But is it the position of the government to regulate and restrict those who strive & succeed to make it “fair for all” or as our President says “You didn’t build that”?...

We have all seen this form of “fairness for all” over the years and especially by the current President, his administration, and the democrat party.  “ObamaCare” and the increased growth of enhanced entitlement programs, has resulted in a very large increase in the number of citizens, and non-citizens, now more dependent on the government to “provide for them that they should provide for themselves”. Our politicians have learned that votes, and power, can be bought with many of these programs.

I do not own a company but work for a large corporation for the last ten years where I have seen the incentives and individual rewards for the striving employee diminish in favor for a “fair for all” bonus plan. In the past a person who applied themselves and strived to do more business, as well as better customer service, could influence their paycheck. Now we have a bonus structure where the entire employee staff benefits, or suffers as one no matter what the individual contribution is.

But what happens if, like in Atlas Shrugged, those who produce and see their efforts and profits confiscated for the benefit of all to make it “fair for all”? What happens when the guy with the Turf company decides it’s not worth the returns to risk his savings and existing business to grow the business and hire more people? What happens when the sportfishing Captain\owner does not see the benefit in adding another boat and crew to his fleet? What happens when the “one of many” corporate employee decides it’s not worth the effort to take on extra work and responsibility?

What happens when those who risk, strive, and produce disappear from the picture?

“Who is John Galt”?.....

Listen to the show. It's on Tuesday nights at 8:30 to 10:30 and join in to the Chat-room...

Hamilton Radio at:

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