Saturday, January 31, 2015

You "Right for Lifer's" just don't care about your cause enough....

Last week I posted a photo and article regarding the low and even non existent coverage of the recent “March for Life” walk in Washington D.C. With over 200,000 people attending. This article showed that many of the mainstream media outlets such as ABC, CBS, CNN, etc disregarded the march altogether

I have a ongoing conversation via email with a co-worker who says there was no or little coverage because the “Right for Lifers” do not care about their cause enough so they do not get the coverage in the mainstream media.

“They got about as much coverage as they deserved. It was a peaceful rally. They filed their permits and went home. They didn't care enough to engage in civil disobedience. I don't think they care enough to generate the press they want. They also don't have the numbers”...

This is what I get when I work with younger 20 to 30 year old's and several “Progressives”...

At times in the company board on the computer we have an area where political issue are discussed and it's about a 3 to 1 ratio “Progressives” to “Conservatives” so needless to say there are many times where you are discussing a issue that the other person got their information and viewpoint from the Comedy Channel via Jon Stewart. Frustrating at times but I was once reminded by a 24 year old co-worker who I was debating a 9-11 issue with that he was 10 years old when it happened.

Here I am old enough so at the time of 9-11 I had the knowledge of history and knowledge of the attack on Pearl Harbor to compare this attack to. In comparison my co-worker had the history and knowledge of the Teenage mutant turtles......

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