Monday, January 04, 2016

By the time you hear about it...

Up at 5:30 am to get ready for work and already they were talking about the financial mess in China and how their stock market took a major fall. By the time I got to work I had numerous notification messages on my phone speculating as to how  our market and Wall Street would respond...

The phone started singing once the market opened and by the time I got done reading several notifications the market was down 400+ points. By the time I got to the computer to check several of the stocks I own they also took the nosedive of the New Year...

Google search "Market Crash" and numerous articles already predicting a major "Correction" and likely "Crash" sometime during 2016. There were several articles saying that there will not be a "Crash" this year and why but even they had to admit that our markets and economy has been propped up by no interest Federal Gov for years. Look long enough and you will even find the guys who will even admit that the big shots on Wall Street and other top financials guys will get theirs before the next crash. 

Consider the speed and amount of transactions performed by the computers owned and operated by the top financial institutions today and how your your 401k will be gone before you even hear about it...

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