Thursday, January 28, 2016

Trump shuts 'em down and wakes some candidates up...

People ask why do I like Trump. Not really sure I want him as President but I very much want him in the race to "Stir the Pot" as he has done since getting in the race. I believe Cruz will make a good President for what I have seen him done already and his belief that we need to take our government back. He believes in the constitution and will fight for it...

The "Establishment" has a problem with both of these guys and that is why so many people like them. Government has become a BIG business and for many a very profitable career for what should be a part time job with limited duration.

Trump is running it like he should and with that he has sent a message to the GOP establishment and the mainstream media. By boycotting the next debate he is telling both that we no longer believe or will go along with the "Spin" that has been sold for decades. Many times I have heard local GOP people and especially bloggers cry about how unfair the MSM has been. Interestingly many of these same bloggers were big on claiming that they were not working for the candidates but for the "Republican Party" and there to keep the candidates and "Electeds" in check. Now I see one of these bloggers actually has worked as the campaign manager for one elected that this same blogger went after in the past. Is it loyalty or the desire of "Power" & attention?


I have also noticed that many of the local "Electeds" have become much more involved in their local campaigns and not just depending on the local committees actually doing as they claim or promise. I recall years back were the local GOP party volunteers would report back "yeah, we have been walking communities and making calls" as promised but never did see this happening. Many a days\nights while picking up candidate signs at headquarters to place in the 6th district I never did see any phone banking going on as reported. This does not seem to still be happening(?) now and that is good. I remember thinking it was a good sign when I would come in and fine Anne T. from the Staunton committee working the phones hard and it paid off for the candidates she supported. Candidates who lost by very slim numbers or ones that still won but not the spread they had hoped for are now taking control for themselves...

Many do not like Trump and others taking this type of control from the "Establishment" control but it's time to get back on track and on the correct heading...



  1. Anonymous9:09 AM

    Are you referring to the M&M machine?
    The Delegate got more involved and stopped depending on the augusta committee to campaign and get things done because of them.

  2. I have spoken to several candidates as well as a Delegate or two who understand that they must remain active and not count on the committees and their promises. Fortunately it appears if has gotten better but much trust and faith was lost during the "M&M" years...

  3. Molly5:24 PM

    Did you see what SwacGirl posted over at her site? Remember the days when she claimed to be for the grassroots people she so loved but now and still in Emmetts back pocket!!

  4. Molly,

    Thanks for the link and check the latest post...

  5. molly9:07 AM

    Spot on !!
