Monday, January 18, 2016

While at the Democrat debate last night...

Last night I was asked by a co-worker to stop by a local watering hole that was showing the Democrat Presidential debate and thought it would be a good opportunity to support a friend. We are on different sides of the fence and he is a strong Bernie Sanders supporter and at first my intentions were to stop by, say hello and share a beverage and then head for the door. But with that I have always thought it a good idea to sit with the opposition to see what they are up to. Sanders had the support of the crowd and it was interesting to watch them all nod in unison and with their stare stuck to the screen... 

 But what I really found interesting was how Bernie could and did beat up on Hillary as he did. They never really did get to beat up the Republicans for Bernie had a agenda and stuck to it. 

Bernie also did what the mainstream media should have been doing all along in calling Hillary out. When I brought the Benghazi issue up the Bernie supporters acknowledged it but would rather move on to the extreme policies that Bernie wants instead. The Hillary supporters were quick to dismiss Benghazi and attack the person that brings such nonsense up. 

 But once I got home I looked up this video where Hillary was confronted about Benghazi and her lies and I can only imagine how many dem supporters actually saw this video or even acknowledge it... 

 It truly shows Hillary for what she is

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