Sunday, March 20, 2016

The Conservatives are coming out in force...

Woke this morning to news that the Augusta County Republican Committee (ACRC) once again conducted and completed another successful mass meeting and elected a new Chairman to the committee. Depending on which media report you read, the meeting went off well with no problems or the "Established Political world" as some see it has gone to "H" "E" "double hockey sticks... 

Bob Stuart over at the NewsVirginian reported once again on this ritual mass meeting as he has done for years and wrote that Delegate Ben Cline came out in support of Curt Lilly who was the eventual winner of the chairman position. "Cline said it is important to capture as many of the 13,000 county voters who participated in this month's presidential primary as possible in November."

Strong Conservative candidates have been doing well recently and many committees are striving to get back to conservative values & practices and this has to have the "establishment" worried. As with what is going on in national politics and the run for the White house, the local conservatives are turning up in large numbers at political events not happy with the ever growing federal government and little reaction or action from their elected Republican representatives.

I also read elsewhere about the LARGE turnout at the Halifax mass meeting where over 300+ eligible voters attended and changed the leadership there also. The losing side noticed and appears to have issues with numerous busloads of church goers showing up and voting. Seems like the kind of people we want to show to help fix this mess to me...

Another report from the Augusta County mass meeting had the "establishment" world taking a beating from those crazy Tea Party people who continue to show up in larger & larger numbers looking to take back their government. This local "blogger" was present and providing cutting edge reports in a "Live blogging" format and did not seem happy with the changes or turnout. 

The "Live Blogger" Lynn R Mitchell was quick to point out anybody who was, or perceived to be, a Tea Party member as soon as they were mentioned and in a less than favoring manner. In fact this blogger even "Live blogged" that the husband of the ACRC Chairwoman who was replaced by Lily is the director of the Shenandoah Valley Tea Party Patriots. Boy, just Tea Party people showing up everywhere you look...

The "Live-blogger" then went on to identify and criticize those temporarily elected to run the mass meeting by the conservative republicans attending the mass meeting. Even to the point of wishing the temporary chairman (Tea Party) to know what was going on and then also identifying the Parliamentarian as a Tea-party'er. Even took a jab at the Chairman of the Staunton committee for supporting Lily for chairman in prior days...

The dialogue then continues to go on about and identifying those speakers who seem to favor nominating candidates by CONVENTION. This procedure endangers those in the establishment incumbent circle who like to call out for support from the Democrats in primaries because they are less conservative then stronger candidates that the Dem's fear...

To sum it all up both reports indicate that there were 181 eligible voters, 86 voters favored Georgia Long, but the majority went with Curt Lily producing 95 votes making him the new ACRC Chairman.

This to some appears to be a danger to the "establishment" GOP which needs to understand that there is a large number, and most likely a majority, out there that desires a change in the GOP game plan in response to the last seven years. But this would signal a change in the control of the local committees which obviously some have a problem with. The Live blogging session ended up with "This committee has just officially fallen into the Sayre camp".  This in RightsideVA's opinion is a good thing and is needed to organize and grow the Conservative Republican party to YES "Make America Great Again"!!!

Oppressive control by committee leadership has been a problem in the past and all of GOP needs to understand and utilize ALL of those on the conservative side of the fence to fix & better our government at all levels...



  1. How are you my friend?!!...

  2. Anonymous10:43 PM

    Lynn Mitchell is quite the hypocrite because Doctor Who Ed Long is in her closet of friends!

  3. The more friends the merrier ... friends that are in lock-step are "comrades" but one never gets discourse from the drone of the hive. To have meaningful discourse you must have vigorous debate and not the crap we see on the television being called "debate."

  4. Ray,
    I understand that during the nomination of a "temporary chair" to run the mass meeting a dirty tactic was once again attempted to close out other potential temporary nominations. This is done by the present chairman to call for nominations for temporary chair at which time somebody will immediately nominate the "Chosen" temp chair and then another comrade immediately calls for the nomination process to be closed before anybody else can nominate a different candidate for temp chair.

    Great way to start off a meeting to elect leadership to unite the local GOP huh?...

  5. Hawkeye5:32 AM


  6. Anonymous10:02 PM

    Everyone knows that whatever she reports is usually the exact opposite of what the facts can support. What a long strange sad journey she has taken herself on, the local leper of the GOP grassroots.

  7. RightsideVA, I was there on Saturday morning and you are right, what appeared to be a dirty trick was tried but failed, to hold the nominations for the temporary chairperson to one and only one nomination. Nominations were requested, but after the first one was received, they took a vote and was going to leave it at that, when Georgia Long was called out for trying that ploy. Nominations continued after a brief lesson on how nominations were to be taken and then voted upon. Dr. Long tried to say that what had happened was right, but it was proven that nominations had to be accepted until the Chairwoman called a close to any and all nominations. Thus, we had two nominations and the second nomination was in fact, voted in. That was the only issue, everything else went smoothly.

  8. Anonymous5:57 AM

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