Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Goodlatte Townhall Meeting

"Supporting a Special Supporter"...
Word spread quickly of a planned Anti-war protest to be held before a Town hall meeting held by Virginia Congressman Bob Goodlatte at the middle school in Stuarts Draft. The group of protesters intended to ask the congressman to join Rep. John Murtha in calling for a rapid withdrawal of U.S military forces from Iraq and closure of U.S. military bases in Iraq.

Notice of this protest was received only a few hours before the meeting but the local Republican group “SWAC” (Staunton-Waynesboro-Augusta County) quickly mobilized to represent and support our troops, President Bush, and Congressman Goodlatte in their efforts regarding the war on terrorism both here and worldwide.

A poignant factor in this quick mobilization was that Rhonda Winfield was already on her way when she got the call informing her of the protest. Rhonda is the mother of Lance Cpl. Jason Redifer USMC who grew up in Stuarts Draft and was killed in action while serving our country in Iraq almost one year ago to the day. Rhonda was joined by many who have supported her in the past and several were glad to help her hold her banner that said "Freedom Isn't Free". During several media interviews Winfield stated that she was there to support all of the troops and to represent her son who volunteered to defend his country along with the freedom and rights of those who live in this country

Upon arrival to the middle school we found only a small group of protesters, who never outnumbered the supporters, with a sign 2222 signifying the amount of troops lost in Iraq during the war on terrorism. There was also a larger sign with the name of their group but I saw no form of “Supporting the Troops” which has become a favorite slogan when questioned why they are protesting the war. In fact at no time did I see any of the protesters acknowledge or speak to the mother of a serviceman who was killed defending their freedom to protest.

I did hear some unfortunate comments from the protesters regarding the group supporting this mother of a fallen hero and our President, George W. Bush. When the protesters were asked “And who is this other group” by a reporter interviewing the protest groups leader the reply was “Those are the people in favor of war”… When returning to my vehicle to leave I heard a derogatory comment regarding President Bush and turned to find a young girl maybe 14 years old who then closed the door of the vehicle she was in. The girl was in a car of one of the protesters and the sad thing is that she is probably only repeating that which she has heard many times from her parent. Unfortunately she may never understand why we must stand up to and confront acts of terrorism both here and abroad...
That is why we must get out and respond to those protesting the war on terrorism and to represent those who have given their lives to protect our freedom and rights. We must also remain vigilant in presenting the facts so to educate and remind those who do not understand that "Freedom Isn't Free"


  1. My heart goes out to Rhonda Winfield for her courage and fidelity on behalf of her son and those he served with.

    I would have been proud to stand beside her. Semper Fi dear lady.

    From a mother of a marine serving in Anbar Province.

  2. Anonymous1:51 PM

    Just wondering, since Saddam had no WMDs and was therefore no direct threat to the US, what did invading Iraq have to do with protecting our freedom? Since there was no tie with Iraq and 9/11 then why did we invade Iraq?
    Also, if we willfully give away our rights and liberties under the guise of 'security,' then are we not handing the terrorists a victory by curbing the freedoms that they apparently hate that we enjoy?
    Since this war on terrorism has no definate end, then are we not permanently changing what America is, and therefore 'letting the terrorists win.'

    I don't intend to come across as arguementative, I am truly interested in how you respond to what I view as legitamate questions and concerns. Surely you must agree that not everything is so black and white partisan.

  3. Nice post.

    Don't waste time responding to Anon 1:51. People like that "don't intend to come across as arguementative," even though they do, because they're not interested in facts. Other than a gutless wonder would sign his or her name.

  4. Anonymous3:27 PM

    That's it, rather than respond thoughtfully to a thoughtful question, just smear and slander....what a way to elevate the conversation.

  5. Anonymous @ 1:51,

    Thank you for posting your comments and questions in a productive way. I have had to delete several who were filled with rage & attacks that are not worth responding to at all.

    First of all I believe we all know that Saddam had WMD, Used WMD even on his own people, the ability to re-develop WMD, and could not prove he destroyed the known WMD. If he had nothing to hide why did he kick out the inspectors when they got close to areas? I believe, and fear, that many WMD’s were shipped to Syria during the month we went to the United Nations where they approved military action if Saddam did not comply to Resolution 1444. I have also found photos and reports of numerous Russian Mig Fighter jets buried in the sands of Iraq. (I hope to do a post on that shortly). I think we need to stop arguing over WMD existence and concentrate where the known WMD’s went…

    No direct tie to 9/11 but what about the training facilities and support that Saddam gave the terrorist? Saddam financed Homicide bombers and paid their families for their efforts. He shot at our planes in the No-Fly zone, etc…

    I agree that not everything is black & white but we do need to respond to those things that many have steered away from. Unfortunately getting back to Clinton, which is sure to get a response from my “Progressive” friend in Charlottesville, for too long did Clinton worry about the “Gray” area and pursued attacks on Americans (ie: Uss Cole, the attacks on embassies, Mogadishu, and 1993 attack on World Trade Center) by handling these attacks in a “Police Investigation manner”. This resulted in delayed, small, and ineffective responses that only emboldened the terrorist more…

  6. "anonymous", synonymous with on line cowardice.....

    Good Job Right SideVA, I heard them donkey's a braying "surrender, surrender, heed Osama, and surrender" Way over here !!!!

  7. Well, Anon, I initially thought about responding. Problem is, I keep hearing the same nonsensically loaded and misleading "questions" --- really rhetorical and argumentative, and assuming facts not in evidence --- repeated over and over again. And the response generally doesn't matter, because the "questions" themselves assert a basis not in fact.

    For instance, "Since there was no tie with Iraq and 9/11 then why did we invade Iraq?" No one ever asserted a "tie with Iraq and 9/11," except far Left naysayers and ignorant pollsters. The point was always preemption, i.e., take out Saddam before he used his undeniable WMD capability to put them into the hands of terrorists with whom he undeniably had contacts.

    And to what "rights and liberties" are you referring? None of mine have been curbed, 'cept perhaps the right to get to an airport fewer than two hours before my flight, and to buy a ticket to a flight on another airline after missing my reservation without a proctological exam. And "under the guise of 'security'" suggests that there is no threat. I had friends and acquaintances who DIED on 9/11. Please spare us the pretense that there is no threat.

  8. Anonymous11:10 AM

    Republikkkans are worthless pigfuckers.
