Friday, January 20, 2006

Governor Warner and geography...

In today’s Daily News Record ( there was a great Letter to the Editor by a gentlemen from Mcgaheysville that I wanted to link to but it was not one of the letters that was published on the website.

The writer describes how 200 Virginians returned from military action served in Afghanistan.
Unfortunately Virginia Governor Mark Warner was not there to meet them upon their return to Virginia but he was able to send a letter thanking them for their service.

“In the letter, our governor thanked the soldiers for honorably serving our country in Iraq - too bad they served in Afghanistan.”

“Does our wonderful governor need a geography lesson, does he not really care, or is he just thinking about 2008? Show the men some respect, governor. Get it right!!!”

Now I am sure this was probably an unfortunate mistake by a staffer who is paying the price about now but will there be any outrage by the Mainstream media on this? Will any of the local papers investigate and report this error to the public? Can you imagine if it was a Republican governor in place and made that mistake?

To the men and women in the Virginia military service returning from locations all over the world after serving our country and protecting the citizens of the United States. We THANK YOU, God bless you, and we truly appreciate your sacrifices made for us and the country…

I really do need to learn how to make a section on this blog just to trace the antics that we all know Warner is going to make on his run to the White House in 2008... This could be fun you know…


  1. Anonymous2:35 AM

    My IQ drops 20 points every time I visit rightsideva. But it's worth it, because it reaffirms my belief that blogs are the playthings of politically, physically and socially dysfunctile middle-aged males who are tired of being told they got it wrong again -- their wives, bosses, co-workers. In the Blogosphere, every man's a king and if someone says something you don't agree with, then it's "off with their heads!" Of course, the executioner's axe is the blogger's "delete" key ...

  2. My friend from Charlottesville is back!!!

    I allow this post from Anonymous 2:35 so all can see what I have deleted in the past for the prior posts were not productive to the issue posted. Actually the posts before were more offensive and attacked me and my "Likes" in a manner that just was not nice.

    Sorry to bring your Charlottesville IQ down 20 points but you guys over there have so much to spare. Please share some of that knowledge with us about the topics posted...

  3. They enjoy the "spanking" (figurtively that is but you never know) :-)

    Keep up the good work Rightside!!
