Thursday, January 05, 2006

"Try your Spin..."

Try Your Spin...

Every since President Bush was elected back in 2000 he has been blamed for every negative thing that has happen during his term(s). It has been amazing to watch the Democrats and Main Stream Media (MSM) "Spin" everything they can get their hands on and to blame it on the President and his "Corporation in pocket", the Evil Halliburton...

Here I am starting a forum to show the numerous, and sometime humerous, examples of this "Spin" used by the Dem's & MSM...

Remember?: * Hurricane Katrina. This was the result of President Bush not going along with
the Kyoto treaty. Since his term started the CO2 has
so much that Hurricanes are popping up everywhere and
the President, with the use of the weather machine owned
by the Evil Halliburton, steered Katrina into New Orleans since
many people there did not vote for him in the elections...

* Homeless. Since President Bush took office there are homeless people
everywhere. The soup lines are longer then ever and we are
near depression levels even with the unemployment rate is
at 5%...

* Gas Prices. Gasoline prices have never been $3 gallon until President
Bush needed to pay off his Energy corporate buddies who got
him into office...

There are numerous more examples of the "Spin" and if you have some examples please post them and I will be sure to add them to the list...

Try your "Spin": Take your own turn at the wheel and come up with your own "Spin" on a topic and see how you can blame it on the President. Unfortunately we just lost 12 miners in that accident in West Virginia. The investigation has started and it appears it was probably a gas explosion from a methane gas build up. It is just a matter of time before it becomes the President's fault and now is you chance to beat the Dem's & MSM to it... Post your "Spin" and I will be sure to add it to the list...


  1. Anonymous3:15 PM

    Heard today on the news that the Democrats are calling for a full Senate investigation into how the Bush administration has failed to prevent this disaster. We don't even know what happened yet !!!

  2. Anonymous7:54 PM

    Just like the war in Iraq, since Bush does not have either of his daughters fighting over there he can't know what he is doing.

    Unless he has a daughter that is a coal miner, the mine disaster in West VA must be his fault also.

  3. Anonymous4:04 PM

    I don't see how those darn Democrats can say it was Bush's fault that Michael Brown was in charge of FEMA. Of course heading up a horse society is a perfect qualification to help in a major disaster.

  4. The local newspaper The News Virginian had a letter to the editor with the below statements...

    "The fact is the Bush budgets for OSHA and MSHA have not even kept up with inflation or mandatory pay increases over the past several years. This while keeping the penalties for infractions ridiculously low.

    The highest penalty of more than 200 infractions at the Sago mine in 2005 was $878. Most were for $250 or less."
