Tuesday, January 03, 2006

What will it take?...

Had an interesting conversation with a co-worker today who said she was against President Bush and the Republicans because they were playing "God" in Iraq. She agreed terrorism and terrorist were bad but how did we have the right to go in and take out Hussein and fight the terrorist over there. We were attacked here and have no business fighting and killing people in Iraq or the middle east. This is the first conversation of this type that I have had with this "Young" lady who has a good heart but little exposure to actual facts and only knows what she hears from the MSM (MainStream media)...

Today I saw this article on the Internet written by Thomas Sowell that pretty much sums it all up...

"We could deter the nuclear power of the Soviet Union with our own nuclear power. But you cannot deter suicidal terrorists. You can only kill them or stop them from getting what they need to kill you." Thomas Sowell


It is unfortunate but there are many out there that do not see, or want to see, the bigger picture. There have been many comments on how "It's not our war or our business" to be there. "This is costing too much". "This war can not be won".

The fall of communism and the Soviet Union would not have happened if President Reagan and many did not actively address it.

1 comment:

  1. We can sit back and wait for the next attack. Or we can move forward and stop it now.
