Thursday, February 23, 2006

Patriot Guard Riders website...

Found the link to the webpage for "Patriot Guard Riders". There are some great photos here and information about their efforts regarding the protesters at the memorial services...


  1. What a wonderful job these "guardian angels" are doing. They are non-political, they are non-confrontational; they are PRO-AMERICA! Their website has a wealth of information including more outstanding pictures of their dedication to military families.

    Thank you, Patriot Guard Riders, for your service.

  2. I love these guys.

    Their #1 mission is to honor the Warrior. They come at the invitation of the families and it doesn't matter whether or not there are protesters present.

  3. I heard about these guys earlier but did not make the connection when I saw the article about attending the military memorials. It is good to see them get exposure and thanks for their efforts and integrity...

  4. Anonymous6:12 PM

    Gov. Kaine of VA. signed a bill today introduced by Charles Carrico R-Grayson that makes it a misdemanor punishable by up to 1 year in jail and a fine of $2500.00 for organized disruptions of funerals.

  5. I saw that and it is good to see the Governor of Virginia standing for something. I also noticed that he refused to endorse and put the ammendment about marriage only being between a man & a woman on the ballot to be voted on...

  6. Anonymous7:26 PM

    Rightside, the way I understand it the Governor not signing sends it directly to the ballot in November. The article I have quotes Kaine as saying that he will cast his vote against the amendment and urges other Virginians to vote against it with him
