Sunday, February 26, 2006

On the back burner, for now...

Investor Business Daily (IBD) had a great commentary on the recent release of over 12 hours of audio tape made by Saddam Hussein back in 1995. Seems that there is now audio evidence, not disputed by anyone, that has Saddam actively talking about the status of pursuing WMD’s and including a plasma uranium program that was missed entirely buy the United Nations weapons inspection teams. On one of these audio tapes there are recordings of Hussein’s son in law Hussein Kamel, describing how they fooled the inspectors by “We did not reveal all that we have”. He even goes on to state “Not the type of weapons, not the volume of the materials we imported, not the volume of the production we told them about, not the volume of use. None of this was correct”.

IBD goes on to state the obvious. “In short, let us repeat: President Bush was right. We had to invade to disarm Saddam - otherwise, he would have completely reconstituted his chemical, nuclear and bio-weapons programs when inspectors left”.

There is also a book out now telling the story of Georges Sada, who was the former #2 in Iraq’s air force and details how WMD’s were moved into Syria before we went back into Iraq the second time. This claim has also been corroborated by another one of Saddam’s commanders. This is something we have discussed on Rightside before and sounds like a topic we will be watching closely in the future…

Again IBD makes a great point. They point out how the Mainstream media has been more interested in the Vice-President Cheney hunting accident and the Port management issue then setting the record straight on WMD’s and where they went…

It’s on the back burner for now but it will have to come up front and be dealt with sometime…

Info used from Investor Business Daily Issues & Insights 27 Feb 06

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