Monday, February 27, 2006

Renewable Energy

Eco-friendly energy sources...
Eco-friendly Senator?

During his last State of the Union speech President Bush stated that “We are addicted to oil” and must find and develop alternative forms of energy. This is something that many President’s have talked about and funded for many decades but with the price of petroleum relatively low there has been no real push to develop other forms of energy. Until now…

When I lived in Key West Florida I worked on a Sportfishing charter boat and was fortunate to have one of the most knowledgeable Captains in the Keys. Besides marine biology Captain Jim Sharpe exposed me to numerous facts and conditions within the “Keys” environment. At times we would fish the currents both in the Gulf Stream and near the bridges. Several times a day the tides will change and the flow of water thru the bridges was incredible. Also reliable and constant…

A company by the name of Blue Energy has developed turbines to harness this power.

“The sources of Blue Energy’s tidal power production are fast flowing tidal currents. The gravitational pull of the moon causes water to flow in from the ocean twice a day on the flood tides, and outward during ebb tides. Additional monthly and annual lunar cycles vary the strength of these currents. Narrow and shallow constrictions produce the fastest and most powerful movements of current, whose energy can be harnessed using the Blue Energy Ocean Turbine.”

“The Blue Energy Ocean Turbine acts as a highly efficient underwater vertical-axis windmill. Sea water is 832 times denser than air and a non-compressible medium, an 8 knot tidal current is the equivalent of a 390 km/hr wind.”

The President also spoke of developing methanol fuel from cellulose products such as the waste from farming and other organic products. This is done by breaking down the organic source such as cornstalks, grass, etc. with enzymes which then produce methanol that would be mixed with fuels.

Now these sources of alternative fuels are needed and research into these areas will be beneficial for both society and the environment. It should and will be the free market that makes it work and will just be a matter of time. Great advances in Hybrid cars have been made and the government should encourage this research but not control it.

Many politicians have seen the opportunity to capitalize on this subject and many have been quick to criticize the President for his “Connections to Big Evil Oil companies”. Seems that many Democrats have been sure to court the “environmental” vote by attacking those who understand the importance of reliable, and affordable petroleum sources.

And then there is Senator Ted Kennedy (D-Mass). Kennedy has been a strong supporter of, and has received strong support from the environmental community in the past. Seems now that he is leading the opposition of Eco-friendly windmills being placed off of Martha’s Vineyard in Massachusetts. They would be visible from the Kennedy compound when Ted is up there vacationing…
The Washington Times just did an article on this and is good reading….


  1. Anonymous10:18 AM

    Yes of course Bush and his syndicate would want to push eco friendly is the next stage of "Shot Gun" Cheney's evil plan to use his front company to dominate the world economy and line republican coffers. Who do you think will build the processing plants, conveyance systems and distribution net works? EVIL HALIBURTON will of course. This has been in the works for a while and with ony a few years of control left the plan is revealing itself. Haliburton no doubt will come to the rescue with "new" technology {read as expensive} that will revolutionize the green fuel process. Evil Haliburton henchmen (subsidiary companies for you home schooled republicans) are currently bioengeneering new species of saw grass and corn that will facilitate better conversion to biofuels.
    HMMMM could the whole war and 911 been a ploy to begin the plan to begin this new phase of world domination. Evil Haliburton has controled OPEC for years and they have all the oil and secretly sell it to the countries that are known for their oil reserves. As long as the puppet govenments of these countries like Saudi Arabia and Kuwait play nice they are going to be fine. But let an independent thinker like Saddam come along (who was going to blow the whistle on Cheney's draconian plan) and the entire weight of the US military comes to visit. Anyway Evil Haliburton knows that the oil is running out and that is why they must now move to phase II [Green Fuel Domination].
    No body seems to want to connect the dots and see what is really out there. If you see this post print it because I am sure that My computer is being tapped by the Syndicate and this post will be tracked down and deleted. My posts are rare because I have to pick random starbucks hotspots to log on from so the enforcers cannot find me.

  2. It is interesting how many people will jump on teh "Evil Halliburton" whenever they can but yet the company is the best at wat they are doing. During The Clinton administration Clinton used Halliburton many times but where was the outrage?

    Now as far as controlling the Green fuels out there I am sure that smart companies are making plans and investments in all forms of energy in the future. Again it is best to let the free market rule for it is the best way of getting these things done. Remember the story back in the 70's where they said they had light bulbs that would never run out? Well, we have light bulbs now that will last much longer and save more energy over a period of time but has a higher initial cost. How many of the funny looking bulbs you have in your house?

    It's not always the evil corporations, or that Government should do something to make it fair or right, it's the consumer who needs to step to the plate and make the wise choice...

    Like choosing to pay $4 bucks for a cup of coffee in a Starbucks... What are you thinking???

  3. Anonymous11:46 AM

    Yes Halliburton does a good job at what it does.....Running the "shadow government" they pull the strings and shot gun Chenney is the puppet master.
    You ever wonder where Chenney was for so long after 9-11? My sources have discovered that Halliburton working with defectors from Cuba was working on cloning Chenney to ensure that he remains to pull the strings. With the power that they possess accross the globe one must wonder where their influence stops....Is Chenney really even Chenney? There were solar flares on the day that Chenney shot his "friend" did he shoot him or did the flares cause the servo motors controling his cyborg hand to mis fire?

    Gotta go blue sedans just pulled into the starbucks..I have been traced................
