Wednesday, April 19, 2006

"Sure, You can VOTE"!!!

Go ahead and vote...

It seems that a federal court out in Indiana upheld a law that requires people to show a government issued photo I.D. before they are allowed to vote in an election. Sounds like a pretty good idea and a good way to prevent voter fraud but the Democratic Party out there does not agree with this law and in fact took the issue to the courts...
Democratic National Committee chairman Howard Dean has even gotten into it by stating "Indiana's voter ID law, widely regarded as one of the most restrictive in America, creates unfair obstacles that will prevent citizens who are lawfully eligible to vote from casting their ballots,"
The problem is just about anybody can show up, claim to be somebody on the voter list and not have to prove that they are that person. How does this make any sense? I find it very interesting that it is the Democratic Party and it's leader that is fighting the law of making sure that the person voting is actually that person and eligible!
The argument by the Democratic Party is that this law keeps eligible voters who do not have a Govt issued photo I.D. from being able to vote. They claim that people who cannot afford a photo I.D. will not be able to perform their basic right of voting...
Unfortunately for the Democratic Party the Indiana lawmakers also took care of this problem, "People who don't have a driver's license or other acceptable photo identification may get a free ID card from the Indiana Bureau of Motor Vehicles, press reports said."


  1. Anonymous1:18 AM

    The problem for the dems is that dead people cannot get a free ID to vote, and that makes it hard to have the dead people vote for their party. You cannot expect someone like Dean to read the whole law. they only look at the summarry that a staffer gives them.

  2. Anonymous11:49 AM

    Now if you vote numerous times like the Dem's have done in the past does this mean they are gonna need a different free photo I.D. for each time?

  3. I guess it really doesn't matter if a person votes multiple times, just once, or never when the Republicans have the machines rigged, the Supreme Court and people like Blackwell or Harris on the inside.

  4. Zen,

    Any proof or documented cases of voter fraud by the Republicans? Is there any documentation of the Voter disfranshisement that has been claimed so many times in the last two Presidential elections? Did the Supreme court "Appoint" Bush in 2000 or did they uphold the law that you can not change how you count the votes once they are cast?

    Here is your chance. Please provide documentation or sources...

  5. Anonymous1:52 AM

    Rightside.....It is the evil Haliburton. they control the voting machines from their secret base. It has all been proven except the Bush wire tapping people deleted all the evidence.....

    OK....I'll drink decaf from now on.....

  6. Here's one quick link:
    GOP deliberate effort to disenfranchise Democratic voters

    Bubba>> So I guess it's OK with you that KBR and Halliburton overcharge us (the taxpayers) must be those damn liberals to blame somehow.

  7. Zen,

    Thanks for the article and source. It is still just another investigation and nothing proved yet.

    "On Tuesday afternoon, Las Vegan Eric Russell and his girlfriend took a packet of documents to the Las Vegas FBI office but left before filing a formal complaint"

    If it's true it needs to come out but just like 2000 there were many making claims but where are the actual convictions?

    Another thing is the actual first topic of this post, Is it wrong to require that we positively identify the person who is voting? Free, no cost photo ID's are available. Why are the Democrats so set against this???

  8. Anonymous10:37 AM

    Haliburton gets blamed for everything and have become the common excuse for libs on too many things. The fact is that if Haliburton was not their then who would do the work that needs to be done when we need it done? Who else is set up to provide a rapid response to construction or infrastructure needs domestically or overseas? Everytime I ask that question to a lib I get a studdering...errrr...errr they overcharged us....they take advantage....reply. I have never seen the fire department put a water meter on a fire hydrant when they fight a fire. My point is that when we need something done and done quick Haliburton gets it done......imagine what a disaster it would be if we did not use private sector for the jobs we do. Congress would be debating and our troops would be sitting in their equipment waiting on fuel.....

    Prehaps we should give them a contract to process everyone for free ID's to ensure accuracy in the polling places.

  9. Many people forget that Clinton used Halliburton all thru his administration and there was little said. Overpayments have been made to Halliburton in the past and adjustments made at a later date once it was audited after the fact. Maybe the problem here is that we have a very large government who can't keep accurate records or even know how they spend the taxpayers money...

    Remember the cry for national ID cards after the 2000 election? Dem's supported it and called for it for they felt those "Evil" Republicans stole the election. Seems they changed their minds once they understood the fraud it would prevent. Also imagine everyone having a national ID that would be used for everything. Sorry sir, can't register your car until you pay your back child support... Sorry, can't charge that big screen TV on your credit card until you pay those back taxes... Sorry, can't let yopu vote for it seems you still have not paid that speeding ticket in New Jersey... Sorry, just swipped your national ID card and it appears you voted 8 times already in different districts today already...

    Maybe we do need National ID cards...

    Again, I ask why is it a bad idea to have voters identify themselves with photo ID's?

  10. Rightside, requiring photo IDs is not a bad idea at all. If not photo IDs ... what about dipping our fingers in purple ink? It worked in Iraq!

  11. Anonymous9:43 AM

    A nationa ID card system would help to solve the Illegal Immigrant issue too. No card work, no benefits, no welfare checks, no assistance. As long as employeers used and abided by the system. And with today's technology it could be made more secure than the current social security card system we use and abuse.

  12. Bubba,

    The ultimate control to "Personal Responsibility"???

  13. Anonymous6:57 PM

    Personal Responsibility? ....

    Does it still exist? I thought that the dems and Libs had successfully removed it from all dictionaries and texts. It certainly isn't taught in government schools or upheld as a value like it should be. Unfortunately we have come to a point where it will take an almost invasive big brother to set things straight.

    I look to the future when cash money doesn't really exist anymore. Everything will be done on computer and by account. What will all the illegals do then? Work for a 2liter of soda and a bucket of KFC? Wouldn't that be a blast....."Si senora...I Mow lawn...that be 4 liters coke, 24 pcs chicken and 2 boxes diapers. No cash no moree must feed family. I not mow next week...going back to leest bar take peso der."

    But I digress......having controls on who votes is just as important as who comes and lives here. We should be able to trust our citizens but we must also validate what they do. A card system would do just that.
