Sunday, April 16, 2006

Tax Cuts but still "Detour" to the Left....

Tax Cut Detour

Just got done writing that check to the Federal Government for taxes due and saw a great article in the Washington Times by Deroy Murdock

It is time to make the recent tax cuts by President Bush permanent for they are the reason that the economy has been and continues to be strong. The Democrats and much of the mainstream media has done a great job as to making these taxcuts out to as only being good for the "Rich". The facts show that we all benefit from the lower taxes for the economy has grown and continues to grow at a very good rate. We have had 17 consecutive quarters of economic expansion and enjoy a unemployment rate of 4.7%. Just like back in the 1980's with the Reagan taxcuts it was said that these cuts would decrease the amount of tax revenue going into the Federal Treasury. The facts show that the treasury took in $783 billion in 2003, and after the taxcuts took full effect revenue rose to $809 billion in 2004, $927 billion in 2005 and estimated $997 billion for 2006. If we make the cuts permanent we are looking at $1 Trillion in 2007... Tax Cuts increase investment, creates jobs, increases number of people working and paying taxes, Tax Cuts Stimulates the Economy....

Unfortunately with a great economy from the taxcuts it seems the guys up in D.C. have not held back on the spending and that is why we have the defecits which the media loves to point out. If the Congress had limited federal spending to just a 4% increase each year we would be looking at a surplus of about $58 billion next year instead of a projected defecit of $354 billion... Making the money is not the problem, how we spend it is the problem...

Here in Virginia we have a special session going on in Richmond because our new Democrat Governor Tim Kaine is pushing for another $1 billion tax increase when we presently have a $1.4 billion surplus. His old boss, Democrat Governor Mark Warner pushed thru a tax increase last time around claiming that the Virginia economy was in danger and will not be able to pay for "Core" services. What Warner did not look at was that the economy was on the rebound after President Bush's Taxcuts and that there was only a "Made-Up" fear of Virginia running out of revenues. Instead of being happy with overtaxing the citizens of Virginia and having a surplus of $1.4 billion, Kaine is looking to raise taxes again for the "Good" of Virginia... He claims that this money will only be used for transportation projects which are needed. My problem with that is what are we going to do with the surplus we have now and as the economy continues to grow what about that money also? To increase taxes again by another billion how will all this money be spent. The Virginia Delegates are in Richmond fighting this now and more power to them !!!

If Virginia needs $$$ to fix roads, maintain "Core" programs, etc. then use the surplus or increase taxes if you spend our money properly. Otherwise send back the tax revenues (surplus) that are only going to be spent on special interest projects to the taxpayers and let us spend that money as we see fit....

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:11 AM

    they can send my portion of the surplus to the "build the wall to keep mexico in mexico fund"
