Thursday, August 17, 2006

"I know Rhonda Winfield, & she is NO Cindy Sheehan"


The local Waynesboro newspaper The Newsvirginian has turned a recent incident where a Democrat volunteer to the Jim Webb Senate campaign insulted the memory of a fallen U.S. Marine into a "Cindy Sheehan" issue.

The "NewsVirginian" stated on it's Opinion page: "However, Republicans have no compunction about attacking another mother who also lost her son in Iraq. The difference is Cindy Sheehan has joined the antiwar movement. That should not make her a target of neoconservative wrath. A mother is a mother, whether she’s a Democrat or Republican. Winfield is as far right as Sheehan is left. Both should be off limits to criticism."

As stated in the title of this post, I do know Rhonda Winfield and she is no Cindy Sheehan. Rhonda has continually supported the memory of her son, Marine Lance Cpl. Jason Redifer who was lost in Iraq fighting the war on terrorism. She wrote a book about her son and his sacrafice to our country and it's citizens. Sheehan on the other hand has taken the memory of her son and turned it into a politcal vehicle for her benefit while the media disregards the facts about her son, Casey Sheehan...

It is unfortunate, but not unexpected, that the local newspaper has turned this away from a attack on the memory of a fallen soldier and to a political issue.

Let me point out a few facts about Cindy Sheehan and her son:

Casey Sheehan volunteered for his service to the military...

Casey Sheehan re-enlisted in the military when he had the opportunity...

Casey Sheehan volunteered for the rescue mission which he was killed on while trying to rescue other military personnel and serving his country...

Cindy Sheehan has taken every opportunity to capitialize on the loss of her son and she has truely turned the issue into a political one...

Rhonda, is NO Cindy Sheehan....

Flora over at United Conservatives Blog has a novel idea but one that I doubt the local Democrat party will use...


  1. Can you further explain how Winfield's booth alongside the Republican Party's booth, her participation in many Republican events, and her vocal support for the party and their policies makes her so different from other activist mothers of fallen soldiers?

  2. Good point and fair question. It was my idea to put that table up for Rhonda when her book first came out for it was a very local issue and many of the people at the fair knew Jason Redifer...

    It is unfortunate that Bob Tischneor made the comments that he did about Lance Cpl. Redifer and things got ugly when it did not need to. Just like you have the Far Left extreme members, we have the Far Right extreme members which distract our parties. Rhonda is not one of these Far Right members and has done good things for military members\families...
