Friday, August 18, 2006

"In the defense of a Fallen Hero"

August 2006

The recent incident at the Augusta County Fair where a Democrat Volunteer of the Jim Webb campaign made a insulting comment about the memory of Marine Lance Cpl. Jason Redifer to his mother, Rhonda Winfield has received much attention within the County Republicans. Unfortunately the local Waynesboro newspaper "elected" to voice their opinion as to what happened on their opinion page without interviewing Rhonda Winfield. But they did interview the Democrat Volunteer about the incident and published his comments...

"If you think all conservatives wear

suits you haven't met the United Conservatives of Virginia!

We go where wingtips fear to tread!"

Flora over at the "United Conservatives" blog read about the incident and took a ride over to Richmond to meet and interview Rhonda Winfield. She conducted a in depth interview and has been reporting on it for the past several days and it is exactly what the Waynesboro newspaper, The NewsVirginian should have done. Link to her post on this follows:


  1. The fact that you consistently use a noun ("Democrat") where you ought to use an adjective ("Democratic") demonstrates that you are too ignorant to have a useful opinion on politics.

    If I were you, I'd sit in the back of the next "Republic" Party meeting you attend and listen more carefully. Stop embarassing your own party.

  2. Actually this has been brought up several times and most of the times I do use the word "Democratic" as a name the way it should be...

    Like many Conservatives, at times I find it hard to use the description "Democratic" when describing members of that party. Just as I have noted many nicknames used to describe "Republicans" at times...
