Monday, September 18, 2006

Day or night, extended warranty coverage...


Took the night off from blogging but then got a phone call from a nearby landowner asking if I was “down by the Allen signs”, which I have been known to put up in the middle of the night, and out the door I was…

There has not been much sign vandalism in the area but after watching the debate on “Meet the Press” yesterday it is evident that the Webb campaign needs to do something to get noticed. Too bad it can’t be talking about issues that involve Virginia…

Turns out that the landowner noticed a car parked down at the end of the driveway and could not see what the people were doing and thought it might be me adding another sign or two, three, four, well you know how it is…

Half way across the front yard I could tell something was not right but that turned out to be that I had a Nike on the right foot and a Reebok on the left. Time to clean the closet out and cut the old shoe inventory…

As I approached the area of the sign display, good location and on a bend in the road with good traffic flow that offers high visibility, I scanned the immediate area for would-be sign vandals as I was armed with my trusty one-million candlelight spotlight. Cool toy to have and is a good tool to illuminate the immediate area thus making vermin scatter and run.

Negative find. Conducted thorough perimeter search of road frontage area around the signs and found no car or occupants in the area. Did notice that when I ran I did “pull to the right” but I think that is because of the Nike shoe on the right foot. Might be a good experiment to switch the shoe brands on the feet to see if the pull then goes to the “left” but if so, I, being a strong Conservative Republican, will have to go barefoot to avoid going to the “Left” in any form…

As I walked back towards the truck I noticed the above sign illumination and just had to get a photo for the blog. Wait until the night before election day as I knock on the landowners front door with extension cord in hand asking them to “plug this thing in will ya”…

Turned out not to be a problem tonight but I will tell you the new digital cameras that they make for hunters to strap to trees and take photos of deer in remote areas may come in handy. If you start seeing photos of deer, wildlife, or two leg vermin standing next to the above signs on RightsideVA you will know the story behind them…


  1. Anonymous11:19 PM


    You don't need cameras...

    I just bought some camo paint, just put a Night vision scope on the old AK-47 and know where i can get a good deal on some rubber 7.62x39.

    Normally huntin' 2 legged deer means something else all together.

    Cool Picture none the less.

  2. The lighter funnier Rightside ... my laugh for the morning....

  3. Halliburton has some awesome retina scanning technology that has NV adapters. I'll be glad to lend you my set but I need it back before the next Hezbollah Rally in DC.

    You could also scare vandals away with a recording of Hillary screaming, "I am sick and tired..." set off by motion detectors.

  4. It has been great to get all the calls that I have with people asking if this is a big problem. They have also mentioned that they are watching the signs more themselves. Has not been a big problem here but in Staunton during the 2004 race I know they had problem with yard signs being taken and/or replaced with Kerry signs. They also found many stolen Bush\Cheney yard signs in a abandoned house.

    Thanks for the suggestion but the "Hillary-scream" would pretty much devastate the milk production of neighboring farms and would aslso probably explain the "Mad-Cow" disease problem....

    How much do you think those Predator Drone planes cost???

  5. Anonymous11:45 PM


    I'll bet we could get a good deal on a few of these....just wish they were not German.....

    Imagine one of these rolling down the street with a "Sportsmen For Allen 4x8" tied to the top hatch


    ..."Honey-where is the check book?"

  6. Anonymous11:49 PM

    Oh and RightSide....we would need a few of these too....the new drone called the "Reaper"

    those are 1,000 lbs each I think....GPS guided. Guaranteed to ruin someone's whole day.

  7. You all might be on to something, but it seems your scope is very limited and narrow. I'm disappointed. Come on now, take your cues from your number one American Idol if you want to address this threat...

    Why wait for the next attack while the threat gathers? You all should take preemptive action and go after those that would do (your signs) harm. Sort of like the thought police. You know it's only a matter of time, why not stop it before it occurs?
    You could take all of your weapons and go smoke out those evil liberals and either convert them or kill them huh? Or you could capture them all and torture them to find out whatever information might be valuable to you. Find out what they are up to, and what they are plotting. After all you want to protect those signs don't you?!

    I mean really guys take a few plays out of Bush's book. I'm disappointed in your lack of imagination when you could just take a hint from your rolemodel.

    Just so you don't have to worry about your feet "pulling to the left" why not just cut your left foot off? In fact maybe you should poke out your left eye so you're not tempted to view anything from any other perspective that the Rightside. Get rid of that darn left arm too, it's bound to reach out to some cause you don't support. Cut it off!

  8. Zen,

    Had to read your post another time just to see how serious you were about something that many of us made a “Light” moment out of. The “signs” are fine and I am sure they will be in the future but even if they were harmed or removed they would be replaced to show resolve. I have lived in areas where back during the 2000 election I had to be sure to have several signs ready to replace those torn down routinely. As many have said “Signs don’t vote” in the past when it comes time to put them out or invest in them, I believe they serve more of a purpose when they get vandalized. I have seen landowners who become very involved and dedicated once their signs are stolen or vandalized so the result of the act actually goes against the person doing the vandalism.

    As far as how serious your comments were I see your purpose of “examples” that you provided. “Smoke out those evil liberals and either convert them or kill them” was a good one but I see it as what the Islam terrorist are committed to do and are practicing. Maybe they really are the enemy here and not my “Number one Idol” as you imply?

    As far as cutting off the “Left” appendages I will take a pass on that one also. You would probably be surprised to see how “Liberal” I am on many subjects but like many of the Staunton “Democrats” I fear you have pre-judged me once again. That is fine and in fact it makes great examples of how narrow minded they actually are and are exactly what they claim not to be. Take the minimum wage issue debate that I am sure you have been following, and contributing to, over on the Newsleader blog. Several people came out attacking my letter to the editor about this issue and how I questioned it’s title when printed by the NewsLeader. The paper added their own title implying that I feel if we just give them an increased minimum wage “they will do less” which I never stated in the letter or support. I stated and feel that by just increasing the minwage it will remove incentive for many to learn or improve their skills. Unfortunately this statement or questions to those opposing me was only ignored.

    Another example is last week when I was talking with City Councilman Bruce Elder at the African-American festival in Staunton and was talking for about 20 minutes on important issues. Ask him what the representative from the “Democrat” came over and told him while interrupting our conversation. I saw the surprise and disappointment in his face and that is the battle we (Both sides) must face and address…

    No worries. I am sure Bubba is off updating the software on the spy programs and UPS tracking says the “Do-it-yourself” Predator plane should be here today!!!

  9. Anonymous10:16 AM

    Sorry RightSide......

    Since we have some teeth again to actually extract info from terrorists, ACME has put all orders for the DIY UAV's. It seems a bunch of guys in suits with dark glasses purchased all of them. Something about getting back to business???!!

    If the signs are in danger we can resort some of my old moonshiner booby traps. But I really don't think we have any worries. The opposition spent so much on wages that they could not buy tools, and OSHA will not let them use their teeth to pull nails. So until they fire to raise working capital for a hammer, we are safe. hmmm....Unless they hire illegals.....uh oh!

    ...HONEY!....have you seen my box of mouse traps, fishing line, and shotgun shells?..........

    Low-Tech is beter than No-Tech.

  10. Anonymous10:18 AM


    They put the orders on back-order. Forgot that part. Gonna have to fire my type editor for missing that one!

  11. Bubba,

    Low tech sometimes is best.
    Look at the use of a strong flashlight and how it makes roaches scatter...

    Should have bought stock in ACME back when that Coyote guy started using them...

  12. Bubba,

    Intel shows that there will be a large gathering of "Webbies" this week in downtown Staunton for the arrival of the head "WebMaster"...

    Appropriate deep, deep, deep, undercover agents will be in the crowd and properly disguised to avoid detection. If you have not already gotten your monkey or fruit costume the shops are already out. May have to go to out of town location to obtain ant-detection cover...

  13. Anonymous1:02 PM

    I call dibbs on the Todd Foster Costume!!!

  14. The dog will be disguised as a poodle, so don't confuse me for Dennis Neal who will be wearing a pink tutu.

  15. You guys have been having way too much fun over here on the Rightside....

  16. I'm cracking up reading this.

    Hey guys, what was that stuff that we used to use in chemistry class that smells like really foul rotten eggs? A little dab along the edges of the signs would perfume the inside of a Mini for months.

    A boy I knew swiped a tube of it from the lab back in the day, forgot it was there and sat down with a thump in the cafeteria for lunch. He had to take his clothes off before his mom would let him in the car to take him home.

  17. Anonymous12:50 AM

    Unfortunately I will be in the mountains this weekend installing more fortifications around FORT BUBBA. After my last trip to the range I amnow down to just under 500,000 rounds of ammo, so I will have to resupply as well.

    .....however I have the perfect costume for anyone who would like to use it. Guarantteed invisibility at a WEBB function. Dress like an ISSUE, not only will they not recognize you, but they won't know how or what to do with you either.

  18. Bubba,

    Better yet make that a "VA Issue" and the Webbies will be really lost. Bring up something like what Webb will do for Virginia as a Senator and that should trip them up pretty bad. In fact ask him why anybody from VA should vote for him because from what we have heard so far you could slip any anti-Bush talking Democrat into the spot for they are all alike. He can mention healthcare and minwage but that is about it. Can't say what he will do with the issue for like the costumed bozo's on the streets all they can do is complain but not offer a solution. "Need a plan." "A good plan." Kerry had a plan but could not find it to explain it. Gore had a plan just could not explain it. But you gotta have a plan....

  19. I want to go to the gathering with the WebbMaster! I really want to see who wins the rear-end kissing contest--Foster or Neal. My bets are actually on Neal.

  20. Anonymous10:05 PM

    It will be interesting to see how the local newspapers cover the event. Will it be on the front page? Numerous pages? Will it be the topic of the editorial page?

    Stay Tuned
