Saturday, September 16, 2006

"How to vote, and what NOT to vote for"...

Staunton, VA.

Stopped by the African-American Festival in Staunton, VA. today and found a nice size crowd with many interesting booths and some great smelling food. Also found the local Republican booth that provided information on the candidates and issues for the upcoming November election.

As I walked the festival I also found the Democratic booth located in another tent across the way. What I found interesting was I noticed the above “Voter Registration” booth just a few booths down from the Democratic party booth and there was a lady at this booth to answer questions and provide literature. Along with a friend I walked up to the “Voter Registration” booth and picked up a piece of literature explaining the 3 amendments that will be voted on in November. I then said to the woman working the booth “So what do I have to do here?”. At this time the woman advised me that the first amendment “Is already in the constitution so you need to vote No for that one”. She also advised me to vote no for the second amendment but at this time I asked again about the first amendment which is the “Marriage Amendment” issue. The woman working the voter registration booth once again stated that the first amendment was already in the constitution and did not need to be voted on. I then asked the woman “But don’t we need the amendment so that judges cant rule against the law and interpret they way that they want?” The woman then agreed that judges now can interpret the law they want. I said “Then I need to vote Yes for this amendment to prevent that” at which times the woman said “Yes you do, that is what I meant to say…” It seems that once the woman realized that I knew the issue and amendment she then changed her suggestion from voting “NO”, two times in a row to suggesting she “meant to say Yes” once I challenged her on the issue…

Maybe the most interesting thing about this incident is when the friend I was with identified the woman that was working the “Voter Registration” booth and who had made the above comments. Turns out he went to school with her daughter and knows the mother well.

I found it even more interesting to learn that the woman who made the above comments is a member of the local Election Board and that she made those "Suggestions" on how I should vote the amendments...

This “Voter Registration” booth was just two tables away from the Democrats booth and please note the sign on the table next, and between the Democrats table and the voter registration table…

As Drudge on the Drudge Report would say: “Developing Story”…

For information on the marriage amendment issue and why it is important that we pass a amendment to keep marriage between “One Man and One Woman”
Go to

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the heads-up, Rightside. I can't wait to hear "the rest of the story" when I return....
