Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Goodlatte is #001...


Congressman Bob Goodlatte, seen here with Ssgt. Herb Harman, attended the monthly Republican breakfast in Staunton and spoke about what is going on in Washington and Congress. The Congressman spoke about a bill he introduced in the House of Represntaives that calls for balanced budgets in the future. He also advised us that this bill was #001 introduced in this new 110th Congress...

"The Republican Shenandoah Valley congressman introduced a balanced budget constitutional amendment, and he has already garnered more than 100 co-sponsors, including a number of Democrats."

More info at the NewsVirginian story:



  1. Although I disagree with a number of Goodlatte's positions, he has done a very good job of representing me in Congress. When I have written him about issues, he has replied with answers that showed he had a complete grasp of the situation (although he might not agree.....) Same goes for Chris Saxman. Of course it could be that that we all have the same alma mater. I am going to let Goodlatte know I fully support him in this legistation.

    BTW, when you finish a coffee at Starbucks, do you say "that was a Good Latte?" Sorry for the bad joke.

  2. I agree.
    And not just because he is a Republican but because he is a good representative of the people.

    His actions on 11 September 2001 are described by Delegate Ben Cline and shows the integrity of the Congressman.

  3. Rep Goodelatte voted against the Republican position, and in favor with Democarts, in approving an increase in the federal minimum wage, and the again in helping pass the Medicare Prescription Drug Price Negotiation Act.

    Good representations of the people. I agree.

  4. Zen,

    You, like the NewsVirginian article, are the ones who made this post partisan...

  5. I've spoken no ill words. I thought it was an interesting observation, being that you've framed your post within the "monthly Republican breakfast."
    My observations only seek to explore what you, a very red Republican, as I imagine the breakfast attendees are, think about Bob's positions on these important issue.

    I was actually praising Goodlatte for transcending party lines to vote in the best interests of the people, not the party. Thus being a good representation of the people.

  6. Zen,

    The "Monthly Republican Breakfast" was included to show why the Congressman was in town and meeting with a "Select" group of citizens and not a "Townhall" meeting. That is why the NewsLeader was not there, but even when they do attend they usually ignore anything except for what they want to hear & report.

    I have had the opportunity to work with Congressman Goodlatte at local Republican events and have had some very informative conversations with him. He is a good man and a credit to the State of Virginia. I agree with many of his decisions, not all, but I do trust his decisions and reasons why he voted when I questioned him.

    As you know the beauty of the two party system is that no one party or group of people can rule the entire government. It has been this way for a long time and seems to work pretty well. Unfortunately the ballgame has changed to a point where the division between the party's and their supporters has grown in some areas where it has not grown so wide in the past. The support\opposition to the war on terror is a example.

    In contrast to Dennis and the NewsLeader describing Rightside and other conservative blogs as "Goose stepping" or marching in lockstep, I think I look at and allow other viewpoints to issues.

    I fear we spend too much time defending ourselves from unwarrented attacks instead of discussing issues as we should...
