Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Just paying off those nasty credit-card bills...


Looks like the former "Oil for Food" chief for the United Nations, Benon Sevan, decided he needed to take care of some of those "Nasty" credit card bills hanging out there...

It is now reported that Sevan has been indicted for taking bribes from Hussein's sale of oil for food, a program that Sevan and budyy Koffi were responsible for...


Now are not these the guys that were also responsible for the U.N. Inspectors that were in Iraq looking for WMD's and being led around by Hussein as he wished. Everytime they would get close to something Hussein would detract the inspectors or kick them out of the country all together.

And how much "Bite" did all of those U.N. resolutions have against Hussein and his actions?

What a joke the United Nations has been, continues to be, and how some claim the U.N. as the solution to all of our problems...

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