Saturday, July 28, 2007

VA Driver “Abuser fees” are just so not fair…


There has been much traffic lately in the topic of recently imposed “Abuser Driver” fees in Virginia and how these fees do not apply for out of state drivers.
It has been interesting to watch how the debate and comments have gone off in different directions such as political, economic, criminal, and class warfare, but usually avoids the road safety aspect of the issue.

Notice how many have used this issue to spin it into a tool to push their agenda and whine how it is not fair for the criminal to pay such a high fee for their actions? It is also interesting to watch how these same people will whine about the fee but yet avoid talking about the “Abuser” who is actually guilty of reckless driving, drunk driving, and other motor vehicle felonies.

There have been those like our local “Liberal Democrats” who have focused on attacking the Republican Delegates and assembly with this issue at every opportunity. As usual they have gotten the outstanding support from the local media and “Guest Columns” from the Left have become familiar. A local vocal, how cool is that phrase, Liberal had himself a “Guest Column” in our local liberal daily where he advocates using a “European fee” system where the offender pays as he is able depending on his prior years income average. Thus the CEO or evil fat Republican will pay a greater fee for we all know that they have too much money that they did not earn and that too is just not fair either. He trots out the Liberal favorite “The Rich need to pay their fair share” on this issue but yet avoids completely the safety issue of this whole thing. What happens to the habitual loser who has been convicted of drunk driving \ reckless driving or the likes in the past but yet only made poverty wages the year before? Will he only pay a $20 fine for that is all he can afford as this “European” scale will dictate? What if he is actually way above poverty level for much of his “Income” comes from cash or even worse, illegal income? And if he cant afford that will the government subsidize his fine and pay it also so to be “fair”? What value does this “European” system put on the lives of the family of four that was run off the highway into a bridge column by the “Lower income” Drunk\reckless driver?

Many have made this a political issue by blaming high fees on the Republican Delegates at every opportunity. With the help of the local Liberal rags they have been blaming this new system on the Republicans whenever possible. Fortunately the truth usually finds it way to sunlight and it has been discovered that the DEMOCRATIC Governor Tim Kaine is the one who actually removed the out of state drivers from this legislation… Surprise, surprise, surprise…

Even the Democratic Party candidates have used this issue as a campaign tool:
Democrat State Senate Candidate David Cox stated at a recent town hall meeting that “The fees are contradictory. For the state to raise the money expected Virginia drivers must continue to speed on the highways. Should motorists improve their driving habits, then the fee system would prove to be an unreliable funding source” Slick move Dave and we should be so lucky to have a problem like safer highways to deal with. If in fact the revenue slows due to better driving habits lets then look at cutting the waste in Virginia government for additional sources of revenue. You telling me that there is not at least 5-10% of waste in the Virginia budget? And how will you spend our Virginia tax revenues if elected to office in November? And how about your concern for that family of four? Or is this just a campaign issue for you?

This week there was a widely reported story of a VA driver who was caught driving for the fifth time on a suspended license and how this has gone to court because the “Astronomical” (the term favored by the Staunton NewsLeader newspaper to describe these fees) fine\fees are unconstitutional and must be decided in court. There is so much focus on how these high fees are unfair to the driver and how un-fair it is that out of state drivers are excluded but in all of the stories covering this guy nobody ever brought up the fact this is his FIFTH offense for driving on the suspended license!!! How fair is that?

Next time you read about that family of four that was killed on the highway after being forced off the road by a drunk driver, reckless driver, careless driver, or Yes even the family member of the four who was driving the vehicle, who has committed these habitual offenses how much of a high fee is “unfair”… Take a look at the party who has continually turned this into a political issue instead of a safety issue… Think DONKEY or Jack-ass


  1. Anonymous12:05 PM

    The democrats avoid the safety issue for they will not get any traction attacking the Republicans if something positive comes out of this legislation.

    Like Pelosi and Reid there CAN BE NO good news coming out of the war in Iraq or they would be sunk. Good news that higher fees are responsible for making our highways safer would not work into the local democrats game plan. Instead they would rather score points by "Standing up for the little guy" even though the little guy is a drunk and dangerous driver.

    Like you said. Look for the Donkey or the Jackass and you will find a democrat trying to score votes no matter what the cost.

  2. Anonymous2:05 PM

    The "Democratic" Party, get it right, is highlighting the Lame-Ass bill from the repubs with astronomical fees. This will just be another feather in the "Democratic" parties cap when we take over the House and the Senate in Virginia!

    If you want facts go over to Republitarian for at least he gets his facts straight!!!

  3. Dig,

    So what you are saying is that the Democrats will win more seats because they are able to blame high fees on the Republicans?

    Notice how your democrat party and your backpocket media are avoiding the safety on the highway issue. Better to defend the reckless\drunk driver instead so your party is sure to get that voting block also???

  4. Anonymous10:38 AM

    dignan must be that guy with the impeach bush stickers on his car that flies by me on the interstate all the time..

    It's a fun game to play while traveling, make note of the average speed of cars with all the radical left "democrat" stickers, as opposed to the suv's w/ the "w" insignia...goes with the "question authority" mantra, I guess.

  5. Tom, notice you'll see a lot of these stickers on the way into Charlottesville. I think the guy you're talking about has a lot of yellow colored anti-bush stickers, right? Driving an old pickup?

  6. Never thought a Hybrid like a Prius can run that fast on Rt.81 but don't get in their way near JMU in Harrisonburg. Many of them have the anti-Bush stickers on them and I know a few at work who complain about the abuser fees for it's not "Fair" that they should be fined so high$$$. But yet they are dumbfounded when you bring up the habitual drunk who runs the family of four off the road and you ask them if they should be fined abuser fees...

  7. Anonymous12:51 PM


    What you don't understand is that the people are tired of a lame-ass assembly full of fat repubs who only look out for their friends and thieves that got them into office. The fees are way to high and the average person in Virginia, and why only virginia drivers?,cant afford the astronomical fees that the repubs have imposed.

    Your side are losers and we will be filling those seats in November!

  8. Dignan,

    What don't you agree with in holding habitual dangerous drivers responsible for their actions no matter what their income status? Do you think we need to "Pro-rate" the fines like a local Liberal Democrat has called for in his "Guest Column" in the NewsLeader like they use in Europe?

    And what is the problem with using these fines on transportation? Lets get these people who need to change their bad and dangerous driving habits to correct those habits and use the money for transportation. Lets make it a fee that requires the person to change their bad habits or lose their driving priviledge. Lets either change that person or get them off the road where they potentially can run you and your family of four off the road...

    By making it political and calling for the "Seats in November" you show that you and your "Democrat" party are more interested in politics and "lame-ass" votes instead of the safety and welfare of Virginia drivers and citizens....

    Was it not your "Democrat" Governor who removed the out of state drivers from the legislation???

  9. Last time I checked, it was a Republican who wanted to remove the car tax, and it was his wackjob Democrat predecessors that wanted to impose it, and also increase the tax.

    The Virginia car tax was insane. I can clearly remember deliberately buying my girlfriend's car from her at DMV for a dollar, just so that she wouldn't have to shell out that illegal tax. Back then, I was a Michigan resident, stationed in the Commonwealth of Virginia not by choice. Michiganders would revolt if they had a property tax imposed on them. Property tax is something from Medieval times. It should be abolished entirely.

    Dignan (rightfully so) warns us Republicans to be ready for November when Leftists try and take our seats. I blame the registered Republican voters who didn't get out there to vote. If they had voted, we probably wouldn't have much of a liberal voice here in Virginia.

    Feeling the woes of having both Kaine and Webb in power, with the latter one being a known hothead. So far, I have not seen anything productive coming from either Kaine nor Webb.

  10. Anonymous6:59 PM


    This has nothing to do with the drivers only the money that your republican buddies want to take from the people! This was nothing more then your way to once again take money from the poor to pay your bills and the rich get fatter!

    And WE WILL take your seats in november and yes even in your county we will take the supervisor seat for Lee Godfrey will be the new supervisor of beverlymanor! What will you do when we turn augusta county BLUE!

    And the only lame-ass thing here is your blog for your canddiates are lame-ass and we will win there seats in november also!

  11. Dignut,
    Once again you fall back to your Liberal bias and reliable whine about the rich. The truth is your Liberal party has seen this abuser fee issue as an opportunity to rally your troops and go after votes for the Drunks, reckless, and dangerouse drivers that so make up your target group. Not the people who make a mistake and then correct themselves for their safety and the safety of others but the habitual abusers that get busted 5 times driving on the suspended list, multiple drunk driving convictions, or other dangerous actions. Like John Edwards claiming he is out on his poverty tour to help the poor why not give millions that he has to help them? Like you, your party, and your Liberal hacks, you don't care about the people only the power they can bring you...

    And Lee Godfrey is your answer to taking Augusta County BLUE? What has she ever done and what has she ever said she will do? There is much talk of her association with radical Liberal groups and her actions at the anti-war rallies in Staunton. Like Dave Cox what is the platform or issues with them? Will they talk of them or avoid real issues like Jim Webb did during his campaign and got the multiple passes from the NewsLeader?

    Now that is an example of "Lame-Ass"...

  12. And WE WILL take your seats in november and yes even in your county we will take the supervisor seat for Lee Godfrey will be the new supervisor of beverlymanor! What will you do when we turn augusta county BLUE!

    All that does is make me want to roust up every single registered Republican voter for the elections! Thanks for getting me motivated, Dignan!

  13. Anonymous11:01 AM

    Lee is by far the BEST choice for turning this county around and take it away from the fat cat Repubs who care nothing but for themselfs and their buddies!!

    She will stand up for the people and fight against attitudes that result in terrible laws like the sbuser fee fiasco that your party has come up with.

    We will take both the county and the entire state and turn it BLUE before you even know for you care nothing about the people and only for the rich. She will stand up and beleives in healthcare for all and will do what she can for the 44 million americans who don't have affordable insurance.

    Just wait, you will see

  14. Diggy,

    Once again you avoid the subject of safety to the drivers on our roads. What is wrong with punishing those habitual drunk\reckless driviers that are a danger to the rest of us? Why not slap these guys with a high fee to correct their ways and use those funds for transportation?

    Again you just turn it political to gain whatever traction possible for your "Progressive" party... Same with the Lee Godfrey you claim will save the county, state, nation, and planet earth with her "Progressive" ways. There are many talking of the link between Godfrey and the Progressive crowd. Is this what we want or need in the county? Talk about that for once and see where we go...

  15. Anonymous12:12 AM

    "She will stand up for the people and fight against attitudes that result in terrible laws like the sbuser fee fiasco that your party has come up with."

    I've said it before and I'll say it again, Diggy--what do you know about the people? You represent only yourself on this blog...and that precious status quo you keep imploring the people to preserve for their own good, is noting more than the eternal preservation of your own self preservation and greediness of power.

  16. Also need to take a look at the claim that 44 million are uninsured. Actual numbers coming out of the GAO show that many of these people either choose not to have and pay for insurance, do not sign up for coverage that available to them, are in the country illegaly, are young and feel they do not need to spend on coverage. The Demoncrats have used this number numerous times and will use it again this election.

  17. Anonymous7:28 PM

    Lame, that your arguments are based on left vs. right politics. the fact is these fees are exorbitant in every aspect. Why should a motorist have to pay an additional $3,000 to offset transportation costs. regardless of the infraction the point is these laws are unconstitutional. See sec. 8 of the Virginia constitution > it forbids the government from imposing unreasonable fines, excessive bail and punishment. If you think that these fees are reasonable; then without a doubt you voted Republican last election! Shame on all the people that passed this legislation! and if you support it you are as narrow minded as the elitist's that hold office.
