Wednesday, July 25, 2007

"Take it away from them" !!!...


"Big insurance companies, big drug companies,big oil companies, they are not going to negotiate. They are not going to give away their power. The only way they are going to give away their power is if we take it away from them"...
Statement during last Democratic Party debate...
This is the statement made by John Edwards (D) during the last Democratic Party debate held this week. A fine attitude for a trial lawyer which Edwards was and where he made his Millions, but is this what we want in a Presidential candidate? Notice how he did not go after his trial lawyer buddies in the above statement and how does he feel about "Tort Reform" that would limit clue-less jurors from awarding millions to clumsy idiots who spill coffee in their laps and should have known "Contents are HOT"?...
A few questions for Presidential Candidate John Edwards (D) from the Democratic party:
If you do indeed go after the "Big Drug companies" and take away their power are you referring to the companies Profits? If so and you take away much of those profits why would a company risk millions on research & development of new and safe drugs to the market if you and the Liberal Democratic Party are only going to limit\take away those profits???
If you do indeed go after those "Big Oil Companies" and take away their power as you say are you referring to the companies profit? If so and you take away much of those profits and\or set price ceilings on fuel costs, will we have gas shortages like in 1970's when the price was fixed? If those companies no longer risk\invest their profits in developing\obtaining new sources of both petroleum and other sources of energy, what will your Democratic Party do to provide that needed energy sources to Americans?
If you do indeed go after those "Big Insurance companies" and take away their power as you say are you referring to the companies profits? Will this be a version of the government run "Universal Healthcare" package that your Democratic Party so loves and strives for? If you force insurance companies out of the free market system and you determine how much medical professionals are allowed to be paid will you take care of the American people when there is no profit\Incentive to maintain the high level of healthcare service we now have. Is Castro's Cuba healthcare system the way to go and if so would you send a member of your family to Cuba for treatment as endorsed by Liberal Democrat Michael Moore???


  1. Anonymous6:16 PM

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  3. Anonymous9:34 AM

    Edwards was saying just what the voter block he was looking for wants to hear. Its just another class warfare card and yes I noticed that he did not go after the precious trial lawyers.

    It would be nice for somebody to ask him what would happen to the economy and the workers.

  4. TAG U R IT

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  6. Edwards is playing the "Class Warfare" card already for Obama and Hillary are busy with getting traction in their own "Race" cards. He needs attention and this is a sure-fire way for a Democrat to get the vote of the "Poor" who think it is unfair that others make more then them. Now if they got off the sofa and applied themselves instead of waiting for a Dem to give them a free handout it would be a different story.

    We are approaching a point where a greater majority of the population gets a free check from the Govt and who do you think they are going to vote for?

    Tax the big corporations...
    Where do you get your job from?
    Where do new life saving drugs come from?
    Where does the best economy in the world come from?
    The people who work and strive to improve themselves are the ones who provide this, NOT the Government.
    Attack and punish the corporations and the hard workers and then see what you get...

  7. Anonymous12:06 PM

    Bring out the "Class warfare card" !
