Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Wait until September for the "Surge" report...


Some of the news from Iraq & Afghanistan that we are not hearing in the media or mentioned in those late night slumber parties being held in Congress by Harry Reid (D)...

Interesting information and article found on

Like the Swamp that Nancy Pelosi promised to drawn in Washington this shows that corruption and abuse is in the middle east but for a different reason...

The Real War and Why It's Ignored
"July 17, 2007: There are several large scale counter-terror operations going on. Each one has five to ten thousand troops (usually about a third of them Iraqi) sweeping through an area long used by terrorists for bases.) One such operation, "Marne Torch" reports that, after six weeks, 1,152 buildings were searched, 83 terrorists killed, 278 arrested or captured (depends on if they were armed and shooting when caught), 51 weapons caches found, 51 terrorist boats (used to move men and weapons via water) destroyed and 872 suspects entered into the electronic database. That last item, the database, is proving more valuable as time goes by. With nearly half a million people entered in it so far, more of the usual suspects are being identified and eventually arrested. Fingerprints and retinal scans eliminates the language barrier. When troops catch a suspicious character, and quickly get a positive ID for someone who has been caught elsewhere in the country, but without enough evidence to keep him confined, you know you have someone you need to have a chat with. Or at least run the test to see if he has handled explosives lately. Or maybe ask the neighbors if this guy has been bothering anyone. You know, the usual death threats against anyone who might give information to the Americans or police. Troops let it be known that cash rewards will be quietly paid for any useful information. The IDs of these informants are not shared with the Iraqi police, to make sure the informant is not found and killed by the terrorists. The war in Iraq is mostly about information, and these days the terrorists have less of it, and Iraqi and coalition troops have more of it."

But the war is still not the major problem. Corruption and incompetent government are.


  1. Anonymous8:23 AM

    Why are the Democrats in so much of a hurry to "Pull the Troops" once again instead of waiting for the report on the surge from the General that they ALL confirmed?

    Because they cant afford good news about the war coming out and it sounds like they are making good over there now. They claim they too "SUPPORT THE TROOPS" but yet they are not giving them a chance to do their job. Reports coming out are that they are kicking ass and making a difference. Pelosi & Reid cant afford actual good news coming out for they have dug their hole too deep already.

    People know this and thats why the Congress, under their leadership, is at 17% approval rating...
    LOSERS !!!!!

  2. Better and better news is starting to come out of the "SURGE"...

    Pelosi & REid better get busy if they want us to lose this war....
