Friday, August 24, 2007

Choice... Update

Seems there were two guys riding the Washington State ferries and asking many questions about the operation, and vulnerabilities(?), of the ferries they were riding. This along with taking photos of the vessels structure made it look suspicious in a region known where terrorist have attempted to enter the United States before…

The authorities and FBI have asked the public for assistance in locating these two individuals shown in photos but the Seattle Post-Intelligencer newspaper refused to publish the photos to help determine the intentions of these “Quizzical boat riders”…

The newspaper has the right to report or not report any story as they wish for it’s their paper and business decision. The readers have the right to choose to support or not support the paper with their readership as does the citizen who reports suspicious behavior such as this.

Seattle Post-Intelligencer newspaper is appropriately located on the “Left” coast and some may feel that the papers decision not to run these photos is a “Political” statement on their part. That is their choice and they are free to make it…

I just hope it doesn’t turn out that these guys were in fact terrorist conducting research for a future terrorist attacks on ferries carrying hundreds of passengers in a known region where terrorist have already conducted research and plans for attacks.

Worse yet I hope this newspaper did not assist these two possible terrorist from being questioned and they have now moved on to other American cities where they may be conducting “Research” but in disguise…


  1. Anonymous9:34 PM

    Hey man--this is great that you're trying to turn your blog into comedy zone. Good humor often has an element of truth. Bad humor often relies spiteful absurdity. Good thing you don't depend on making a living in the comedy clubs.

  2. Anonymous12:11 AM

    Anonymous has the same value of the number Zero... Nothing...

    Thank You!!!
    You've been great!!!
    Remember to tip your waiters and waitresses...

  3. So this is how you do business, Steve?
    Conflating dissenting Americans with terror suspects?
    You piece of garbage.

  4. My goodness,

    All I did was post several photos of two individuals who were acting very suspicious on the “Left” coast in a region that has already been targeted by known terrorist for an attack.

    This post also showed how the local media decided not to cover or print the photos to assist the FBI and local authorities in being able to locate and question these individuals. Some think that this may have been a political move on the newspapers part but I leave that to the reader to decide. Unfortunately we have seen this same “Loyalty” within our local newspaper and media outlets here in the Valley in their choice of coverage and\or ignoring local political events.

    We can only hope that the authorities can locate and talk with the two individuals in the photo(s), both cases, to determine their “True” intentions…

  5. Don't patronize me.
    You posted a picture of peaceful protestors in Staunton along with terror suspects in an effort to conflate dissent with terrorism.
    I'm not stupid, and that is nothing short of DESPICABLE.
    You should apologize to the people costumed as the monkey and banana.

    We must not confuse dissent with disloyalty. When the loyal opposition dies, I think the soul of America dies with it.
    Edward R. Murrow

  6. Anonymous11:37 AM

    i need a picture of you, youre suspiciously paranoid.

    ill be sure to let everyone know that im not certain that youre an aspiring terrorist...

    p.s. most 3-year-olds are afraid of large, costumed characters. most adults see them for what they are.

  7. Anonymous8:33 PM

    Let's not confuse Steve with an adult... he loves beating up on old men and monkeys. He sees a terrorist in everyone who disagrees. He is bananas.

    newt... tips are only deserved for good service. Are you capable of that?

  8. Anonymous4:38 AM

    "Anonymous is as Anonymous Does"...

  9. Anonymous3:14 PM

    Anonymous really knows how to state an argument. Lets see name calling, generalities, name calling, Typical when the brain cannot think. I would appreciate it if you could provide thoughtful commentary on the post.

    Kestel9000 why are you so upset? The post uses the picture of the folks in the costume to make a point. I have seen a lot worse characterizations in the liberal media of conservatives (go to KOS and read about how we are Nazis, fascists, etc.) On not allowing dissent, the blog is a form of dissent. The rise of conservative blogging and the alternate media can be tied the fact that the liberal media, such as Rightside is commenting on, has set an agenda that does not allow for real dissent. To some extent this is also the cause of the rise of the far left alternate media. You are overreacting to a picture that has no context on the political leanings of those in the picture in the post. One only learns of their leanings form your post.

    The incident in Seattle is important to discuss, it raises questions on both the role of a free and independent press, and the role of media in assisting authorities in investigations. I have read commentary defending and attacking the position of the newspaper. Unfortunately, you choose to pick up on a minor point of the post to get your shorts in a knot instead of thoughtful commentary either in agreement or disagreement on the main point of the post.

  10. I stand by what I said.
    The intent was to conflate patriotic dissent with terrorism, and is despicable.
    And as to what conservatives are called on Daily Kos?
    If the shoe fits.......

    Let me be very clear.
    Conservatism offers no value, no goodness, no benefit to anyone but the very, very rich.

    It is, in its current incarnation, a cancer.

    What has conservatism given America? A stable social order? A peaceful homelife? Respect for law and order? No. Hell, no. It hasn't given us anything we didn't have and it wants to take away our freedoms....It was the liberals who opposed the Nazis while the conservatives were plotting to get their brown shirts or fund Hitler. It was the liberals who warned about Spain and fought there, who joined the RAF to fight the Germans, who brought democracy to Germany and Japan. Let us not forget it was the conservatives who opposed defending America until the Germans sank our ships. They would have done nothing as Britain came under Nazi control. It was they who supported Joe McCarthy and his baseless, drink fueled claims.

    Without liberals, there would be no modern America, just a Nazi sattlelite state. Liberals weak on defense? Liberals created America's defense. The conservatives only need vets at election time.
    It is time to stop looking for an accomodation with the right. They want none for us. They want to win, at any price. So, you have a choice: be a fighting liberal or sit quietly. I know what I am, what are you?

  11. Anonymous9:02 PM


    Your comments are valid for 1940, alot has changed in 67 years. I will be the first to agree that the conservative support of Hitler was wrong. Note that when the war came in 1941 all but 1 republican voted for it. You convenently forget the liberal support of the USSR, Mao, Ho Chi Min, Castro (All mass murders like Hitler). (Even with Russia's current returning towards communism, its borders are much reduced in the Ukraine, not in Germany) The last strong liberal on defense was Scoop Jackson, and he has been gone a long time.

    If we are going back to the 40's, you should we willing to claim the position of the VA democratic party at the time on race relations. I am only bringing this up as all parties have had less than stellar positions in the past at times.

    Also you should check on Joe's McCarthy's claims (by the way, he was a good friend of Bobby Kennedy (Daughter KKT's godfather). While he was a drunk how overstate his claims, there was a widespead attempt by the USSR to infiltrate the US goverment. This has been supported by info from archives released after the fall of the USSR.

    What has consevatives given domesticly, a strong economy, the Reagan policies of the 80s still help us. I remember getting my first job while Carter was in the White House. Couldn't get a credit card, 10% inflation, tax bracket creep, gas lines (odd even days for gas) etc.

    That all said, you still refuse to address the key question, what you do think of a newspapers responsibility vs. its right to editorial freedom. Would be interested to hear.

    PS excuse spelling, have to get kid to bed

  12. When Kijak apologizes to the decent americans he slandered by associating them with terrorists, then perhaps I will be willing to engage in a discussion of what is claimed here to be substance.
    Until such apology is renderd, the subject, where I am concerned is Kijak's unAmerican, unpatriotic, and reprehensible attacks on his fellow Americans.
    I talk to dirtbags like they're dirtbags.
    Show me you're not a dirtbag, Kijak; that you have some shred of decency left within you and apologize to your fellow Americans whom you capriciously defamed, and perhaps we can discuss something else.
    The remainder of your posting is not relevant to me.
    Your character assassination of these people is very relevant.
    And until you apologize, you have more by far in common with terrorists than you do with a monkey, a banana, or me.

  13. Anonymous9:11 PM


    Talk about the pot calling the kettle black. When are you going to apologize for attempting to characterize current conservatives as Brownshirts and Nazis in your earlier post. You are complaining about character assassination, but are willing to attempt to tie me (as a conservative) to one of the most repugnant groups in history. Go read Shirer’s “Rise and Fall of the Third Reich” or if you really want to get disgusted “The Theory and Practice of Hell.” You will understand why I take great offense to the continuous characterization of people who disagree with the liberal agenda as fascists and Nazis. One of the reason I consider FDR one of the great Presidents of the 20th Century, (2nd to Reagan, ahead of TR), is spite of the economic policies that in reality did much to prolong the depression, is due to his early recognition of the threat of the rise of fascism. Also, if you are honest, you will realize that most of the opposition in the US to involvement in Europe prior to WWII was based on traditional American Isolationism (sort of like may on the left today) and many seeing Hitler as an offset to Stalin and not recognizing the greater evil. But I guess that’s OK for you not to apologize because you know the “Truth”.

  14. Which “decent Americans”, with a capital “A”, did I slander?
    I provided a photo of two individuals in costume, to deter identification, at the end of a post about the attempts to identify two individuals that have been seen on several Washington State ferries in suspicious situations. The bulk and main topic of this post was how the mainstream media Seattle newspaper decided not to assist the FBI in locating the suspicious individuals. I stated that I “Hoped” these individuals were not terrorist conducting research for a future attack on American citizens. At no time did I definitely state that the two individuals on the ferries were in fact terrorist so how could I associate the two costumed characters as terrorist?

    The photo of the two costumed characters at the end of the post was a bit of “Political Sarcasm” which is something often seen on comedy shows such as “The Colbert Report” or “The John Stewart Show”…

    As far as “not relevant” that is your opinion. So be it.

    No apology needed and none offered.
    Now if you are in fact one of those individuals hiding in one of the costumes and are somehow offended, go to the Comedy Channel and watch the above mentioned Political satirist programs…

    What I do find relevant are the questions posed to you by the commentator called “Kooch”… He has asked several interesting questions of your statements and I believe several are interested in your reply…
