Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Democrats = Forgetful Gun owners...


What is it with Democratic Party Politicians and and wayward handguns? One of the first things taught when you go for a Concealed Weapons Permit is that you are required to know the location, operation, staus, and security of your handgun at ALL times...

The Baltimore Sun Reports the following incident where ANOTHER Democrat forgets where his handgun is and is busted in a high security public place...

Rep. Hinchey's gun charge draws suspended sentence

The Baltimore Sun January 6, 1995, Friday, FINAL EDITIONARLINGTON, Va. --

"Rep. Maurice Hinchey of New York pleaded no contest yesterday to a charge of carrying a loaded handgun in his baggage at Washington National Airport and was given a suspended sentence. The Democratic lawmaker appeared before District Judge Joseph Gwaltney, who ruled that the sentence would be suspended and lifted automatically in a year. "The handgun was inadvertently in a piece of luggage I took from my upstate New York home when I drove back to Washington for the late-November congressional session, and it was still in that piece of unopened luggage on Dec. 1 when I decided to fly back to New York," Mr. Hinchey said in a statement"

Anybody remember a few months back when Virginia DEMOCRATIC party Senator James Webb did not maintain the security and integrity of his loaded 9mm handgun which his aide attempted to take into a congressional building by mistake. The aide also had two extra ammunition mags with the Senator's loaded handgun...

Also please note that if either you or me were to be stopped in these locations with a loaded handgun we would surely be doing time in the Pokey with a "felony" conviction... I wonder if Hillary would fight to restore my voting rights after being a felon?...


  1. Actually, in the thing with Jim Webb's aide I seem to recall that there was never anything to actually suggest that the pistol was Webb's. Everyone assumed that was the case but as the whole thing unfolded I never saw anything that actually showed that it was Webb's pistol.

    By the way, the aide in question was a retired Marine who is not really a political partisan. His loyalty is to his country and to his friend and fellow Marine (Jim Webb). Not to a party. This is true of most of Webb's staff. They followed him when he was a Republican and they follow him now.

    By the way, I don't recall any such lesson drilled home when I took my course for my CWP. It's certainly good advice but I don't recall it being a part of the NRA First Steps program.

  2. But yet it was reported in the Richmond Times Dispatch that Senator Webb did admit that the handgun was his:

    "Webb previously had refused to say whether the gun was his, although his senior aide -- Phillip Thompson -- had told police the weapon belonged to the Democratic senator.
    "It's my gun," Webb told the Richmond Times-Dispatch in a recent interview."

    Not unusual that you may not have heard this. My local newspaper here failed to report any of this either...

    It took the Junior Senator sometime to admit that the Handgun was in fact his, in fact he allowed his trusted aide to spend his birthday in lock-up, instead of admitting the truth in a timely manner...

    "Webb declined to say whether he complies with the District of Columbia's law that prohibits carrying a handgun or concealed weapon without a license."

    This too is interesting for if it was you or me stopped within the District of Columbia with a loaded handgun we would be doing serious time in the Pokey with cell-mate "Tiny"... Unless you too have special contact with a Democratic Party Representative...

    With Webb and his trusted retired Marine aide neither of these trained individuals knew the whereabouts of a loaded handgun with two additional mags of ammunition.

    I know the exact location and security status of my weapon. Do you of yours?

    I had a very efficient and knowledgeable trainer as an instructor when I got me permit. I will need to go back and check the manual but I am certain that it was in my training both in getting my permit as well as at any shooting range I have attended. It is also a key factor of being a responsible gun owner...

  3. Anonymous1:05 PM

    Is it the angle that the webb photo was taken or does Webb really have a "Pinocchio" nose?

    It would explain alot...

  4. Newt,

    Interesting observation.
    I am sure history will tell us of Webb's actions & integriry...
