Saturday, October 06, 2007

Americans for Prosperity ~Washington DC~ 2007


Took a ride up to Washington D.C. yesterday to attend the "Defending The AMERICAN DREAM Summit" that was presented by the Americans For Prosperity Foundation. Impressive meeting with many speakers and great opportunity to meet and talk with people responsible for promoting and living The American Dream...

The agenda for the day was full of interesting speakers ranging from numerous Republican Presidential Candidates, Senators, Congressmen, Delegates, members of prominent media groups, and over 1500 Conservative members attending…

A strong incentive for me to attend this seminar was to see the many Republican Presidential Candidates that were schedulled to speak but there were also many prominant Conservatives to meet and hear them talk. This was my first opportunity to hear Dinesh D'Souza and he did an incredible job at describing his tenure with Ronald Reagan and efforts since then promoting conservatism. I first read his works in "Ronald Reagan: How an Ordinary Man Became an Extraordinary Leader" and have read this book many times. I have also given this book as gifts many times and have heard great comments come back about it. D'Souza was truely a great opportunity to hear about how Ronald Reagan did the great things he did for this country...

Fred Thompson was interesting to hear both in front of the main crowd of more then 1,500 then at the luncheon hosted by Virginia Attorney General Bob McDonnell with 400+ Virginia members.

Mayor Rudy Giuliani started off the day with his speech and the room remained excited for another 4 hours before lunch...

The day was full of speakers and topics and took as many photos as possible when I could but unfortunately I missed the opportunity to get some shots. One of the shots I missed was of former Lt. Governor Michael Steele which I have heard speak in the past and is an outstanding Conservative.

Virginia Attorney General Bob McDonnell represented Virginia well during the “Remarks From the States” portion of the program and was very well received by the crowd. He also hosted a luncheon for the Virginia delegation which was treated with a special visit from Presidential Candidate Fred Thompson…

Wall Street Journal John Fund has always written interesting columns and articles and was even better in person. Like his articles he presented a sharp and true view of the ongoing Democratic Presidential nomination campaign and mentioned other topics with descriptions like the “Hillary Healthcare Hotel”. Where EVERYBODY can check in but nobody knows how we will pay the bill”… But lets not forget the Democratic Party congressional leaders of Pelosi and Reid “Where you can walk through their deepest thoughts and still not get your ankles wet”… Fund is the author of the book: "Stealing Elections: How Voter Fraud Threatens Our Democracy" . A book I own and heave read several times and will be reading again this week, just after I pen a note to my Virginia Senator Jim Webb asking how come he voted against requiring photo I.D.'s before voting on election day...

Herman Cain, Author and radio host, “The Herman Caine Show” was outstanding and I have heard his program in the past. A true pleasure to hear him speak in this format and I look forward to hearing more of his radio broadcasts…

Ronald Reagan’s Economic Advisor Dr. Arthur Laffer spoke of how the Dow Jones was at 777 points when Reagan took office and is now over 14,000 with a Quarter century of economic growth. How we now have an unemployment rate of 4.7% and the longest record sustained growth in history…

Virginia Delegate Chris Saxman participated in numerous sessions including the Attorney General’s luncheon and a session with a Senator, Congressman, and two other Delegates concerning “How to Impact Your Legislator”…

Dr. Jim Miller, Reagan Budget Director and AFP Board member…

Republican Presidential Candidate Mitt Romney was the evening speaker and it was interesting to see him in person and how he presented himself. I found the entire speech interesting but one thing stood out to me like a ray of sunshine. Along with cutting other restrictive taxes, he proposed lowering the tax rate on Capital gains for anybody earning less then $200,000 to ZERO !!!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous3:45 PM

    smoke and mirrors, song and dance, let's give monty hall a chance !
    the lobbyists are the true enemy. and term limitations has to be priority one for 2008. the wheeling and dealing has to stop.
    the other white meat is taking over in washington, d.c. !

    i had a project last summer. i had to build a two car garage. i did not talk my way through the construction process. i worked long and hard and finally, i got the job done. that is what has to be done in washington.... talk is very cheap. bull s_ _ _, walks.
    the american taxpayer is being gang raped every working day of his/her life.... honestly, it hurts !! solidarity.....2008
    don't take the bait..
