Monday, October 08, 2007

New Augusta County Republican website...


I had heard that there was a new website being developed for the 2007 elections in Augusta County for the Republican Party and today I was sent the link...

The new website can be found at:
and it provides information and links to existing elected Republicans as well as Republican Candidates for this upcoming November elections...
Interesting site and it looks to provide a valuable resource about the Republican Party in Augusta County...


  1. Anonymous9:28 PM

    Looks Great and I have passed it around to the group for their review. This will be a valuable tool as we get closer to election time.

  2. It is a nice site and I understand it was developed by the elected Repubs and the Candidates themselves.

    I believe the local party needs to maintain a site for people to go to and find the info they need. Need to use the net as much as possible to get a positive message out. Good way for transplanted GOPers to find the local party and become involved.

  3. Anonymous1:20 PM

    I am sure it will be a valuable tool for the children when the elections come around in November. My Daughter has had assignments to present information about local elections in the past and this will help alot.

    There is also a Republican meeting tonight at the government center and I will be sure to "Bring a Friend".

  4. Good meeting and did I see you there?

    The website is a good plan to provide the links to the Republican team we have and I hope it is kept current..
