Friday, October 19, 2007

Sandy Berger Yard Sale?...


Just left Rush Limbaugh’s website where the standing bid for the “Harry Reid” document that is offered on E*bay is at over $2,000,000 with still 3 hours to go…

Just think of all the potential money Sandy Berger can make on E*bay with all those documents that he swiped from the Archives!!! No wonder he was stuffing Clinton administration documents down his shorts to get them out of the Archives building. If Hillary and Bill do not come across with the appropriate cash to keep Bill’s documents about his lack of action against terrorism off the market, a “E*baying Sandy will Go”!!!… Interesting how Sandy is now on Hillary’s team as an advisor…

This is the document where Harry and the gang got together on Congress’ time to condemn Rush for what they think was a smear on all military personnel. In fact the DEMOCRATIC party took a miss-quote, what are the chances there(?), and ran without it. For anybody who pays attention longer then Harry and his school yard gang, they know that Rush was talking about a soldier(?) who claimed to have been in Irag and made many false accusations since proved lies…

Good looking Document and you can download it on and YES, DEMOCRATIC Virginia State Senator Jim Webb’s signature is there for all to see… I wonder if Webb would still want his signature there now that they know how actual “Phoney” the soldier Rush was talking about actually is? Or maybe Webb is securing himself a place in the Clinton gang like Sandy did???…


  1. Anonymous12:35 PM

    Sandy is getting his payback for swiping the documents that would have showed how bad Bill Clinton screwed up the terrorism issue. Hillary will now take care of him and keep him happy and if lost documents start to surface who knows where Sandy will surface then?

  2. Sandy Berger said that he did not take anything but notes of the documents that he looked at. You republicans keep saying that he took documents that you cant prove so let it drop already. Sandy will be a valuable advisor to Hillary when she is elected the FIRST female President!

  3. So why did he give up his license and pay the big fine that he did? Read the stories and you will see Sandy also removed documents and hid them under a trailer outside the archives. He also admitted he destroyed documents, not copies, in his plea bargain...

    Hillary deserves somebody like this crook...
